Friday, December 8, 2023

Twelve years

"Dime Boxes" turned twelve yesterday.

I admittedly don't post a whole lot these days, but that's not at all an indictment of my love of the blogosphere (more of me not having as much time/energy). This is still my favorite corner of the cardboard universe, and I'm forever grateful for the support so many of you have always showed to that teenager who started yammering on and on about how much he loved 1995 Fleer all those years ago (I STILL DO!). 

I've given away cards for my last few blog-versaries, and since I really can't think of a better way to thank all you fantastic readers, I'm doing it again this year! I've got 20 pages' worth of random goodies up for grabs here - all you have to do is comment with something along the lines of "Page 1 - #8 (Molina)" for any card(s) you'd like to claim. (Also, with deep apologies to my Canadian friends, I have to limit this to US readers only due to insane shipping rates.)

Please feel free to grab as many cards as your conscience allows - all I ask is that all claimers please email your shipping address to me at nickpecucci AT gmail DOT com (even if we've traded before). I'll do my best to update this post with cards that have already been claimed.

Once again, I shout a big, hearty THANK YOU to all the great readers out there - and now I'll shut up and present you with the spoils!

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Claim away!


Bo said...

Thank you as always for your generosity!
I picked a lot last year so will be a little more restrained this time, mostly Yankees whom everyone else hates anyway.
3-9 Berra
7-2 Stanton
11-5 Schwarber
12-7 Rizzuto
14-8 Henderson
15-9 Washington
18-5 Mattingly
18-8 Glanville
19-9 Cater

The Diamond King said...

3-5 Matthewson
5-1 Gooden
11-7 Appling
11-8 Beckert
18-8 Glanville
And if the Berra at the top of the post is available, that too!

I tried to leave some for others, there are lots more I'd like! Thanks for doing this and congrats on 12!

Dennis said...

Wow, congrats on 12 years of Dime Boxes! I don't need to claim anything after that ridiculous stack you just sent me but I appreciate you being generous and offering these up. I hope we get another 12 years of you posting ridiculous hauls from shows and other pickups.

Elliptical Man said...

Good job keeping it going for so long.

2-8 Face
5-8 Perez
6-7 Beltre
10-5 Covington
15-6 Mazeroski
15-8 Aaron
16-1 Robert
16-2 Powell
18-7 Guerrero Jr.


Mike said...

Very proud of my boy and his blog!

night owl said...

Happy One-Two! It's been a long time hasn't it? Thanks for keeping it alive.

I'll keep this in check:

3-7: Gaylord Perry
7-5: Bando
8-5: Slaton
16-6: Killebrew
20-5: Vaughn

Ryan H said...

Congrats on 12 years. Here's to 12 more!

I'll put in a claim for the page 7 Duren, page 10 Green, and the page 12 Piazza

Brian said...


Congratulations. I know we don't always comment, but we look forward to your blogs and hope these continue for many years to come. You're an inspiration and help keep the hobby alive.

If they haven't been claimed yet, I'd love these:
Page 1 - #8 Yadi
Page 4 - #7 Randy Johnson
Page 6 - #8 Wilbur Wood
Page 9 - #6 Raines, #8 Strausburg
Page 10 - #3 Frank
Page 20 - #4 Will Clark, #9 Harper

Vrooomed said...

Congrats on 12 years - that's an insane long time to still be doing this!

16-3 Schmidt
18-1 Trout
20-4 Clark
20-9 Harper
Please and thank you!

Jon said...

Happy anniversary, Nick! Twelve years without ever having taken a (major) break is really impressive.

The Angels In Order said...

Concrats on a great blog. Just gonna throw a bunch out there, some might already be taken:
2-3, 6


GTT said...

Congrats on 12 years! It's an incredible achievement.

I would love:

1.7 Alfonseca
2.2 Fernandez
2.9 Peckinpaugh
4.3 Kingman OPC
6.1 Stieb
6.3 Miller Lite
7.8 Duren
9.5 Morton
10.5 Wes Covington
12.4 Abbott
13.1 Ichiro
14.1 Stapleton
17.5 Jay
19.6 Koplitz


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Congrats Nick!

2-5, 4-1 & 6, 5-9, 6-7, 8-8, 13-8, 14-6, 15-5 & 7. Again congrats on the dozen years!

Mark Zentkovich said...

Congrats! 2👍

Brett Alan said...

More of the good stuff left than I expected! Apologies if anything I list is already claimed.

1-4 Marichal
3-6 Stanton
4-4 Mays
6-6 Blue
7-1 Matlack
7-8 Duren
9-7 Hernandez
12-8 Piazza
16-7 Dandridge
17-6 Seaver
17-8 Killebrew
20-3 Jenkins

Thanks! And a very happy anniversary to you. My address hasn't changed, but email coming to confirm.

Matt said...

Happy 12th anniversary! Thanks for the giveaway! May I please claim:

1-4 Marichal
2-1 Rice
5-4 Boggs
13-5 Vaughn
14-2 Pedroia
14-5 Yaz
17-6 Seaver
19-4 Boggs
20-1 Grove

Thank you!

Chris said...

Nick, congrats on 12 years of blogging! It's impressive that one of the youngest sports card bloggers is also one of the longest-running. Keep up the great work!

You gave away some fantastic stuff already--not surprising considering your card show hauls. If these are still available I'd be happy to claim:

1-9 Hrbek
2-4 Yount
3-8 Joss
4-1 McCovey
6-4 Anderson
7-7 Lofton
16-5 Bryant
17-1 Nomar
19-5 Schmidt
20-5 Vaughn

Thanks for another generous giveaway! Here's to another 12 years of Dime Boxes!

RJ Sahl said...

Nick, Congratulations on 12 years! I enjoy reading your blog. If available, I would like the following.
pg. 5-2, 5-5
pg. 6-2
pg. 7-6
pg. 8-6
pg. 9-9
pg. 10-7
pg. 11-4
pg. 18-2
pg. 19-2, 19-3
pg. 20-6

That is 12 cards for 12 years. I will send you my address via email.
Thanks much! Randy

POISON75 said...

D'oh anytime I thought of getting anything it's taken already bummer

OhioTim said...

Congratulations on 12 years! Nick, I may not comment every time you post, but I do read all your posts. Your collecting interests are very similar to my own. Good luck on the next 12 plus years! Here is my list...

Pg 8 card 2 J. Morgan card 4 J. Gibson
Pg 11 card 9 Rizzuto
Pg 14 card 7 Dimaggio
Pg 15 card 5 Carew
Pg 18 card 3 Ruth
Pg 19 card 8 Mantle

gcrl said...

that's 1 in dusty baker years! congrats and thanks for your generosity.

night owl said...

OK, I'm back after the Friday night work haze, I will add:


Thanks and happy bloggyversary again!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nick! Been keeping up with your blog for about half of this time now, you've helped shape a lot of my interest in getting back into cards as an adult. If they're still available, I'll claim:
7-3 Beck
12-3 Fritsch
19-1 Peavy

Thank you for being the cool card guy from the internet!

Jeremya1um said...

Hey Nick,
Congratulations on a dozen years. You are one of the first blogs I started reading and I wish you many more years and cards for your collection.

I would be interested in
1-3 Joe Nuxhall
11-6 Ted Savage
if they are still available. Thanks for the contest.

Shlabotnik Report said...

Congratulations on "The Dirty Dozen", and thank you for another giveaway! I'm late to the party as always, but I can't let 1970s Kellogg's go unclaimed!
12-1 Joe Morgan
13-6 Dick Allen
19-9 Danny Cater

As a footnote, I'm happy to see someone claim that 1977 OPC Tony Perez (which is updated from the Topps version, for anyone who didn't know)

JD said...

Long time reader, first time commenter. I'd be interested in 6-5, that Torkelson card (as a longtime Tigers fan). Thanks for your writing and your generosity. Happy 12 years!

Crocodile said...

Happy 12th! Keep on blogging!

DaddyMike said...

Way to go Nick!
I would like to claim the following:

Laurens said...



Derek said...

Congrats on 12 years!

gcrl said...

well, i can't leave a steve garvey card unclaimed, so i will request it and a few others:
thanks nick!

gregory said...

I'm late to the party here, but congratulations! Twelve years is a great accomplishment. Keep up the great work for year 13!

Adam Kaningher said...

Congratulations on a dozen years!

I'd like to claim:
3-3 Smoltz
12-6 Pederson
12-9 Winfield
17-2 Ripken

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, just started following.. congratulations on 12 yrs. If it is still around, I would love that page 18 #9 Clemente. Thanks, looking forward to your content.
Kind regards, Adrian

beefman said...

I got married on December 8th, 2011 in Hawaii. Yet another strange parallel in our lives!

Jafronius said...

Way late to the party, so no claims for me, but still, belated happy blogiversary!

Damien said...

I'll take anything else you don't want. They're all nice cards.

Trevor P said...

Hey Nick, I'm late to the game, but could I claim a few? I would like 5.3, 7.4, 12.6, 13.2 if I may.

I'll email my address if it's not too late.