Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 38: Numbers 334-342

Frankenset Page #12 WINNER -- 2017 Stadium Club #104 Ryon Healy (13 votes)

Not much drama last week: Ryon Healy (and Josh Reddick, of course) led pretty much the whole way, ending up with 13 of the 36 total votes for the easy win.

Cards like this one are why my frankenset goes through a massive overhaul with each passing Stadium Club release. You just don't see anything like it in any other set: Stadium Club is packed with stuff that'll make you laugh, stuff that'll make you stare in awe, and often both.

Better yet, I'm pretty sure I've found the clip of the interview in question -- but in the meantime let's welcome Ryon Healy into the Gallery of Frankenset Champions before he gets pied again.

We're in the homestretch now: there's only four pages left to show, and as per the Random Number Generator, Page 38 (#s 334-342) is the remaining batch up for grabs this week.

Let's meet the hopefuls.

1973 Topps #334 Freddie Patek

Freddie Patek was all of 5'4" tall, and darn if he doesn't look downright tiny here. 

1983 Topps #335 Steve Henderson

Quite a crowd on hand to watch a dude practicing his bunts.

1994 Upper Deck #336 Jim Gott

I've owned this card for years, but I'm still not quite sure what's being depicted here. 

1995 Pinnacle #337 Willie Banks

A card so beautiful I almost didn't notice it features a pitcher(!) about to hit.

1994 Stadium Club #338 Jeff King

Forget the money, fame, and honor: in The Show, other people put on the eyeblack for you. 

2019 Topps #339 Josh Harrison

Still one of the greatest throwback jerseys out there. 

1992 Stadium Club #340 Tim Wallach


2001 UD Victory #341 Ricky Gutierrez

Double dip!

1996 Upper Deck #342 Doug Drabek

The exceedingly rare pitcher bat flip.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Tough choice this week. The Harrison rules. The Drabek bat flip is awesome. Drabek probably has more Frankenset worthy cards than most pitchers. I know he has quite a few signing autographs.

    My pick is Jim Gott though. Every time I see that card now, I see Will Ferrell. Go ahead and scroll back up. Tell me Gott doesn't look like Will Ferrell on that card. I'll be waiting.

  2. I had such high expectations for Healy... and was pretty bummed when he was traded to the Mariners. I was there to see him at the Oakland Coliseum when he collected his first MLB hit, which was a home run. Anyways... glad to see him win last week's competition.

    This week? Patek gets my vote.

  3. I'm going with King, just because I've never seen someone applying eye black to someone else on a card before.

  4. Love that Patek card, but I'll go with Drabek because it looks like he got a hold of that one.

  5. I looked in to that Jim Gott card a few years ago and came to the conclusion/opinion that it is Christian Slater with his back to the camera. Either from Hollywood Stars night or a first pitch situation. I'll vote for that card since I am so invested in it!

  6. The pensive Tim Wallach card reminds me of the guy who is trying to collect every Tim Wallach card ever made.
