Saturday, December 7, 2019

Eight years

I am honored to say that today is the eight-year anniversary of "Dime Boxes."

It's weird: one part of me can't believe it's already been eight years, while another part of me wonders how it's only been eight years. It somehow feels like I've been blogging forever, but just started yesterday. As is the paradox when blogging has become such an ingrained part of one's life.

At this point, I really do believe that this blog has become part of who I am. I'm not nearly as active around here as I once was (frankenset posts account for about half of my total output these days), but it's hard for me to imagine living my life without this blog floating out there on the internet. It's a place to talk about baseball cards when I need a place to talk about baseball cards with other people who want to talk about baseball cards. What could be better?

As always, I thank you, kind reader, with all my blogging heart. I wouldn't still be doing this eight years later without you reading my wacky and sometimes barely half-rational thoughts and musings.

So here's to another eight years -- because even with the time I've put in here, I feel like I've still just barely scratched the surface of the greatness tucked inside this curious little hobby of ours.


  1. Eight is great! Happy double presidential term, Nick.

  2. Happy 8th Anniversary Nick! Low-end rules!

  3. Congratulations! I really like your blog!

  4. Congrats on the anniversary! 8 years is a bit longer than I've been writing online regularly on any topic. Here's to many more!

  5. Thank you for one of the best blogs out there!

  6. Congrats on 8 years! BTW, I got your package, thanks! I'll pop a post out next week.

  7. Still a great read,Nick..looking forward to many,many more!!

  8. Happy anniversary! I completely agree with your "already/only eight years" comment. :-)

  9. Congrats,enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Happy anniversary Nick! Love your blog buddy!

  11. Congrats on the milestone Nick! Here's to many more years and many more posts!

  12. I've only been around for about five of your eight years, but it does seem like those five have gone by pretty quickly. Congratulations on the anniversary!

  13. Congratulations! Eight years is really something to be proud of.

  14. Congrats on eight great years of blogging!

  15. Happy Anniversary! 8 is great!

  16. Hard to believe it was 8 years ago. I still remember when you were the new blog.


  17. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to more great blogging from you in the future.

  18. Thanks for being an inspiration.
