Friday, June 21, 2024


I never started this blog with the intention of padding my collection.

Blogging was nothing more than a vehicle to post a few random thoughts here and there, random gibberish I figured I'd be lucky to get three people to read. That was really my only hope for the blog at the time Then, after a while, something magical happened. People started sending me stuff! It's still mind-boggling to think typing a few words a couple times a week ended up having such a profound impact on my collection.

Even though I'm nowhere near the prolific blogger I once was (this is my first post in almost a month!), people still somehow stumble across my blog now and again, and sometimes those people insist on giving cards to me. I recently received one of those precious I've-got-some-cards-for-you emails from a reader named Andrew, who said he had a few things he thought I'd like. 

I, of course, profusely thanked him, and a package showed up on my doorstep later that week - but imagine my surprise when a '57 Ernie Banks fell out!

This presented me with a weird kind of dilemma since Dad actually gifted me the very same '57 Banks for my birthday this year.

So here I am with two copies of a card I so badly wanted for years and years. Certainly not a position I ever thought I'd be in. (Andrew's '57 Banks is actually a slight upgrade over Dad's copy, so I'd love to get the latter to a good home if anyone needs it!)

To surprise me with a '57 Banks would've been more than enough, but Andrew wasn't stopping there, because there were two other cards tucked behind Ernie...

...and I audibly gasped when I shook the first one out.

That, my friends, is a '56 Topps rookie of Mr. Cub's counterpart across town, Luis Aparicio! It's a former "Keep Dreaming" member and a card I've wanted for as long as I've been collecting. HOF rookies are tough finds regardless, but add in the beauty of '56 Topps and the fact that I live near Chicago, and you have a card that has long been out of my price range.

To say that this is one of the greatest cards I've ever received as a blogger would be an understatement. 

And yet, somehow, it didn't even sniff being the biggest of the three cards Andrew sent me.

This being a family blog and all, I can't type the words I said when I saw what was waiting behind Luis Aparicio - I'll let you use your imagination at my reaction in the moment I was holding a real, actual BOB GIBSON ROOKIE CARD in my hands.

After a '55 Clemente rookie, this was probably my #1 most wanted baseball card. It's also one I chose to leave off my "Keep Dreaming" list because there's a remote possibility that dreams come true. That didn't seem applicable here. It has all the shiver-inducing terms for us shallow-pocketed collectors: vintage, Hall of Fame, rookie card, high-number.

I'll just say that every copy I've seen at card shows has ran in the four-figures. Beaters show up online every now and then for $400-500. It's just not anything I thought I'd ever own in this lifetime. But now, against all odds, it's mine thanks to an act I don't even think I can safely define as "generosity." It's something more than that, perhaps a word we haven't even invented yet.

I've always said that my collection wouldn't be the same if I didn't start this blog, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd own a Bob Gibson rookie because of it.


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

I have a word for it....actually it came from my mom.... "FAVORS". She acknowledged them everyday (almost everyday) big and small. This one certainly is a big one. Congrats Nick. Those are fine specimens too. I'll check to see if I need an Ernie Banks 57' I bet I do, lol.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Yep, I do. Let's trade.

Mike said...

What a generous gift! You're no slouch in the giving dept. Generosity breeds qgenerosity and it's a good bunch of folks in your blogosphere!

Shlabotnik Report said...

"Gasp" is right! Such a generous reader!

night owl said...

Wow. I have similar story to relay, but it doesn't have quite that kind of star power.

CardBoredom said...

Stunning cards and that Aparicio in particular looks fantastic!

GTT said...

WOW. Incredible generosity.

Doc Samson said...

Love that Aparicio. You are a lucky man. Good to know that the card collecting world is still filled with good people.

Matt said...

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Comgrats!

Anonymous said...

Hi all - this is Andrew, the guy who sent the cards. I’ve been collecting vintage HOFers for a few years now, and the Aparicio and Banks are doubles I picked up along the way. The Gibson is from my childhood collection, and I got an upgrade as an adult. It seemed wrong to have it sitting in a box when it could bring joy to another collector who clearly loves cards and takes time to share with us.

Nick - I certainly didn’t expect a post, but I’m glad you’re enjoying them! The only thing I ask is that whenever you're done with the Gibson, please give it to a young collector who will appreciate it. That is, if young collectors who love vintage baseball still exist in the future LOL.

Nick Vossbrink said...

Holy moly that's quite a mailer when 1950s Banks is the least impressive item.

Michael D said...

That is awesome! What great cards. To Andrew, I hope you read this comment, that is an amazing thing you did for, who I personally think, is a great guy. That is exactly why I love this hobby and the people who are in it.

RJ Sahl said...

There is good to be found in everything and you just found a great reason to find good. Great cards and great reading. Thanks Nick! Encourages me to keep working on my only set build ever. 2019 Topps Heritage.

Jon said...

This was quite the gift. It's nice to know that these were gotten by someone who not only, appreciates them, but also who'll continue to cherish them for many years to come.

Fuji said...

Holy moly. Now that's what I call a trifecta.