Wednesday, December 14, 2022


I'll admit now that I was always afraid of getting hurt in Little League.

I remember getting beaned once, but I think it stunned me more than anything - it was during one of my first years, so the pitch couldn't have been going more than 30 MPH. I also remember lining a ball down the line that hit the third baseman in the wrist and forced him out of the game (postscript: I later became friends with that kid in high school). But I was afraid of getting hit, and usually struck out against the kids who threw hard (or whatever qualifies as "hard" when you're in fourth grade) because I had one foot out of the box.

I guess my fears weren't completely unfounded - the sport may not be entrenched in violence like football, but if you watch baseball long enough you'll see a fair amount of injuries. Still, baseball's leisurely pace makes it even weirder to see those rare moments of pain forever frozen on cards.

Just ask Craig Biggio, whose 268th(!) career plunking set a new modern mark is immortalized on this strange Topps card - and one that takes the term "Record Breaker" to a whole new level.

For no particular reason, I had the idea to collect the most painful baseball cards into a single, garish post here tonight.

There (understandably) haven't been a lot of HPBs documented on cards over the years, but one notable exception is this classic Classic of Andre Dawson getting pulverized by a fastball - in true Hawk fashion, he somehow got up and charged the mound shortly after. 

I've always wondered if these guys know about their weirdly painful baseball cards, and what their reactions would be if they didn't.

What would poor Ryan Thompson say, for example, if you showed him a card of him writhing on the ground (presumably) after getting nailed by a pitch?

I collect cards of double plays and plays at the plate - two relatively common baseball events that have become far less violent in today's game.

You'll find a fair amount of said violence depicted on the cards I have in those mini-collections, and these are a couple that instantly came to mind - I really hope that anonymous Dodger didn't suffer any kind of spinal injury after getting overturned by The Kid.

I don't know what card has made the most appearances on this blog, but the famous '73 Topps Pat Corrales would definitely be in the running.

It's a perfect clash of so many different areas of cardboard weirdness - not the least of which being the Fergie Jenkins cameo! - and I show it again here because no discussion of painful baseball cards is complete without it.

John Smoltz's '96 Pinnacle card is a big batch of strange.

The front features a shot of him hitting, which explains why it took me a long time to even think of turning it over and finding the extra little easter egg of him yelping in pain on the back.

You could start a landfill with the number of Pacific Nolan Ryan sets out there - seriously, they seem to be in every dime box I find - but there's a number of weird photos in the set that prove ubiquity doesn't necessarily equal "bad."

Not the least of which is this one, featuring the Hall of Famer profusely bleeding all over a uniform that probably warranted a good run through the wash after the game.

But in the end, if you ask me "what's the most painful card ever made?"...well, I'd have to go with this one.

For starters, I still wonder how an image like this ever made it onto a baseball card - and I can't imagine it ever will again. I can only guess at what we're seeing here, but it looks to me the good folks at SP saw Pat Borders get clipped by a backswing, saw his head split open, saw the blood running down his cheek and chin, and finally said "yep, that's the one we're using." But maybe they knew what they were doing, because, with apologies to Mr. Borders, here I am talking about said baseball card 30 years later.

For all my fears of getting plunked or spiked in Little League, I guess, in hindsight, I didn't have it so bad - at least my pain wasn't printed for all to see in a pack of baseball cards.


  1. Wow,quite a collection...that Borders card is intense,I can't believe they chose that pic!

    And don't feel bad...I was knocked unconscious breaking up a double-play in Little League,and your grandma was there and didnt even come on the field to check on me,haha!

  2. Very interesting theme for a collection. My oddest is baseball cards numbered 444.

  3. The pain...

    I once got beaned in the head by a reasonably hard thrower. Once when I was pitching I got hit in the wrist by a line drive and you could see the seams on my flesh. On the other hand, I once trucked a first baseman in the course of an inside-the-park homerun. He was out of the game for a bit - I may have been more scared than him.

  4. I can't wait to get back to my themed Wacky Wednesdays where these painful cards would certainly go. Loving that Classic Dawson.

  5. I think that's Robin Ventura's blood on Ryan.

  6. I remember the Ryan from childhood, but the rest of these were completely new to me. I don't recall any injuries from playing baseball or football, but I did break my hand while playing basketball when I was 9. That was pretty painful.

  7. Mentioned his on Twitter but it's worth commenting here too that the Keith Comstock is an honorary member of this PC.

  8. I had no issues when I was younger.. I got drilled in the inner thigh with a softball liner... I was pitching...
    When I played baseball, one tournament I was in I got hit four times in four games.. Shoulder, shoulder, ribs, grazed the front of my cup....

    On the other hand, I did make a coach/umpire decide to wear a mask after I fouled a pitch off and hit him between the eyes with it...

  9. My eldest kid does travel baseball, and he's had a fractured wrist, a deviated septum, and a couple concussions.

    I remember watching the Dawson game live. Freaked me out. I thought it was real serious. Sutcliffe became my favorite pitcher that day.

  10. What a creative idea for a PC. I don't remember getting beaned by a pitch (although I'm sure I did), but I do remember taking a bad hop to my lip playing 2nd. It was pretty memorable event, because I kept worrying that I was going to need stitches (and I hate needles).

  11. A "pain" subset is not complete without card #14 from the 1989 Pro Cards set featuring Keith Comstock. Google it and you'll see why.

  12. the blood on ryan comes from him getting hit by a comebacker - not robin ventura. ventura never came close to drawing blood. i recently learned that the only reason ventura charged the mound was because he would have been fined in the sox' kangaroo court if he had not.

    anyway, these are certainly interesting photos that are appreciated more than another spring training head shot. thanks for sharing.
