Friday, April 24, 2020

Gimme shelter

Here's a question I feel bad I haven't asked yet: how's everybody doing?

I'm still out of a job, though reports from the bookstore from my managers and such have been somewhat encouraging. I've been catching up on my reading, writing, and Out of the Park Baseball simulations, and I actually left the house twice last week (Post Office, Target), which may or may not have been a mistake. And I'm undertaking a massive and almost unprecedented card cataloging project, which I figure no time like the present. So that's my world in the quarantine.

In these strange times, I think it's helpful to check in with everyone once in a while -- and while I've never met most of you fellow blogosphere patrons outside of the virtual back-and-forth of reading and commenting, I do hope you're doing okay, and still collecting. 

If you're still lucky/unfortunate enough to be working, I hope it's not too stressful.

If you're sheltering in place, I hope it's relaxing.

If you're taking this time to work on otherwise inconceivable projects (like cataloging!), I hope it's coming right along.

If you have a nice car, awesome -- but this really isn't the time to be showing it off in public.

If you have a pet, or pets, or if it's anything like my apartment with seven cats (yup, seven) and a dog currently roaming around -- I hope you're spending some quality time with them.

If you like ugly sweaters, I hope you're wearing them.

If you have a guitar, I hope you're playing it (hammock optional).

If you have a drum set, and understanding neighbors, I hope you're having fun.

And if eating generic cereal with a cardboard cutout of Tommy Lasorda in your (upstairs?) kitchen is your thing...I hope you're doing that, too.

More than anything, I hope you're well, or whatever qualifies as such these days -- and in the meantime, I'll be seeing you around the blogs.


  1. A little of all of the above (except drumming!) My Lasorda cutout is a little smaller than Piazza's though.

  2. Nick, the library here is closed and so is the bookstore I manage. I am still working for the county doing data entry of supplies. I have gotten caught up on my reading and am going through my to be read pile. I have also been working in the yard a lot.

  3. The cards you chose for this post made me chuckle. We're doing fine here, I'm still working a normal schedule - we're a restoration company but we also do sanitizing so that qualifies as an "essential" service. I don't get out nearly as much as I'd like, and I'm a little nervous about going to the post office tomorrow. I really miss Target (my LCS) and restaurants but surprisingly I don't miss live sports as much as I thought I would. Having two kids and tons of cards to keep me busy, plus the blog, fills the time at night.

    Hope you're staying safe and well, and that you'll be back to work soon!

  4. Great post! I've had more time to build scale models. And I'm loving it! Getting to hang out with the wifey and kids more, and loving that too! I'm a homebody anyhow.

  5. Great post and great cards!...and it's not a "mistake" to nip out to the store or PO on occasion,you know what to do out there!

    Sorry to be "dad" on your blog,but I REALLY miss your in-person company...we will have one king-hell day of hanging out once this crap is done!!

  6. Some days are OK. Some are actually quite pleasant. Others are really, really bad.

    But at least there are still fun cards out there, and I do have your Frankenset bracket to look forward to.

    Be safe and stay healthy.

  7. Doing ok. Hanging in there. Thanks for the recent card barrel recommendation. Spent a lot of time filling several wish lists in there. Now I wish I had known about those Ayala, Sierra, Show, and Santiago cards before I placed my order!

  8. I'd admit I'm a little jealous of people with the sudden free time as I'm still working plenty. But very grateful to have a job. And I'm on vacation next week (with no place to go now), so I'll be able to do all the projects I've seen others doing.

    Inside, it's splendid. Outside, it's just weird.

  9. Great post! Hope everyone is hanging in there!

  10. "like my apartment with seven cats (yup, seven)"

    Love it. We went from two cats to six over the last week due to taking in four kittens. Only one or two will actually be staying with us, but it is fun (and ridiculously hectic) to again have an apartment full of cats.

  11. I'm very lucky that I work from home, so my job hasn't changed. So far it doesn't seem to have affected the volume of work I get (which varies to begin with).

    New Jersey has been badly hit, so I'm taking no chances. I haven't set foot in any building other than my apartment in weeks. I get groceries delivered and occasionally will do curbside pickup. For a lot of my adult life this would have been a major financial problem (I would have lost work, and just having to pay delivery fees and such would have been difficult.) So I'm grateful that I'm in a better position now. It can still be frustrating, of course, but I know there are a lot of people with much bigger problems.

    I've gotten some cards from the various blog giveaways, especially Rod who has been tremendous, and bought a few things off eBay. But there's a bit of a void as usually I go to one or two shows a month and occasionally buy a blaster or something. I'm thinking one of these days--maybe even tomorrow--I'll try to go a Cardbarrel spending spree (enough to make free shipping). I did make a little spreadsheet to show my progress on getting trifectas of players.

    Other than that, watching a lot of game shows!

  12. Like most, I'm ready to turn the page and move on to the "new normal." In the meantime my days are spent churning out eLearning material, offering students feedback, and trying to figure out new-to-me technologies. Four more weeks and then school is out for summer! Woo-Hoo! Except, I'm not so sure I should be excited?
    Seven cats? That has to be a lot of fun. We only have two, but they're like our fur-kids. Whether we like to admit it or not they have helped to keep us sane during the stay-at-home order.

  13. Great post. I've been trying to keep busy at home, trying to resist the temptation to go outside. So I have been rewatching a lot of action movies from the 1980's, reliving my youth.

    I've also been going through my entire card collection and noticed that I have a small binder of sheets that needs to be filled. I keep debating with myself on which set I should fill it with. I have it narrowed down to 1990 Donuss AL & NL Best and Score 1998.

    I know, I know, there are better sets out there, but both of these are "memory berry" sets: I distictly remember buying them and what was going on in my life when I did buy them.

  14. Doing well here. I haven't left the yard in going on 4 weeks except 1 trip (no stops- not even to pee) to my house in FL. Spent literally 15 minutes there, and back to GA. GA partially reopened yesterday, and even more businesses on Monday including restaurants which scares the heck out of me. I'll probably head to the grocery/Walmart in a week or two. Not looking forward to that. Otherwise, I've still bindering up my flagship sets as I started back in February. That should last the rest of the year. Stay well, stay sane, and keep working on that project.

  15. I'm working... teaching my students online. The number of hours I'm actually in contact with my students is much less than normal, but I'm spending a lot of time creating modified lessons that fit our district's distance learning requirements. I miss waking up early, getting to school early, and wrapping things up by 3pm. And most of all I miss the face to face interaction with my students. The good news is I was able to work on card related stuff in between periods this week. Overall... I can't complain too much. Except... my hair is going buck wild... and I've told my students I won't shave until I get a haircut. I've never had this much facial hair ever and it's super scratchy. Glad to hear you're making the most out of your free time. Stay safe and thanks for checking in.

  16. Hey Nick, great post. Mostly I've been eating generic cereal with a cardboard cutout of Tommy Lasorda in my kitchen, but besides that I too have lost my job (mine for good), and so am embarking on the mother of all job searches in the worst job environment of my lifetime.

    Before that, I was doubling down on collecting cards; now it'll be a little more organizing instead. I've got plenty of time for running, reading and making music podcasts, which is this other thing I do. Thanks again for giving me some more absurd cards to chase.

  17. Great post, Nick. Glad to hear you're doing okay, though hopefuly you'll be back working when it's safe to do so--and hopefull that's sooner than later.

    I'm now living in New Jersey, and like Brett mentioned above, it's been hit pretty hard. We're staying inside our apartent building and avoiding going outside if possible. Still working, but now from home and will likely be doing so through the rest of the year. But we're healthy and all of this time home has allowed me to spend time unpacking and spening more time with my cards. Hopefully I can post more frequently now too--I really dislike these months long breaks I keep taking from the blogging world.

  18. Doing well. Still sorting. Working on big packages for my regulars.

  19. I'm doing well (and my car's in the garage.)

  20. Nice collection of cards you showed off there. That really is an Ayala card?

    I'm still working, but it's third shift so we don't interact with lots of people. I've told Target to not schedule me unless they have no one, just in case I wind up working more at the main job, but mainly so I'm not exposed as much...they've been bugging me about coming back so a return may be an eventuality.

    I hope your job is waiting for you when things get better.
