Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 33: Numbers 289-297

Frankenset Page #31 WINNER -- 1973 Topps #273 Chris Speier (13 votes)

No drama here: Chris Speier's magnificent '73 Topps PATP stomped the competition last week, taking 13 of the 34 total votes for the easy win.

No other card received more than five tallies, and it's easy to see why. Cards like this are a perfect example of what makes '73 Topps so legendary -- I haven't checked, but I'd bet it has the most frankenset champions of any single set out there.

In the meantime, let's welcome yet another one into the gallery.

Thankfully, we're back to a full nine this week -- the Random Number Generator chose #33, so we'll be taking a look at that page (#s 289-297) here tonight.

Let's meet the hopefuls.

1996 Pinnacle #289 Bob Hamelin

I feel like this card is the lasting legacy of Bob Hamelin's career. 

2017 Stadium Club #290 Jon Gray

One way to contract hypothermia. 

1998 Pacific #291 Walt Weiss

Double Dip MVP Walt Weiss.

2019 Stadium Club #292 Chris Archer

Taking the field. 

2018 Topps Update #US293 Charlie Culberson

A great card that also triggers my slight claustrophobia. 

1963 Topps #294 Bill Rigney

Managers don't often make the frankenset, but it's so glorious when they do. 

1993 Upper Deck #295 Kevin Seitzer


1972 Topps #296 Dick Dietz

Gun 'em down! 

2010 Upper Deck #297 Yovani Gallardo

Yovani Gallardo, one of the last good-hitting pitchers.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. That Bill Rigney photo looks like something right out of the movies.
    Very cool.

  2. That Jon Gray photo is great. I like Culberson as well but I'm definitely going with the Jon Gray card.

  3. That Bob Hamelin card reminds me that I should recommend to everyone who bothered to read this comment, the excellent SB Nation videos called "The Bob Emergency: a study of athletes named Bob". There's two parts and they're both excellent.


  4. Oh wow, there are some tough calls this week!

  5. Seeing a Walt Weiss card with a prominent Athletics logo where Weiss is NOT on the Athletics is really throwing me off.

  6. Don't see that Angels logo very often on the Rigney... but that's not why I voted for that card. That's a great action shot of him. This is a great example of a vintage manager card.

  7. Gotta go with Culberson here - you never see the inside of a celebration pile!

  8. So many great cards this week. With that being said, Bob Hamelin.
