Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 25: Numbers 217-225

Frankenset Page #58 WINNER -- 1996 Collector's Choice #522 John Smiley (14 votes)

Not much drama last week: John Smiley took the lead early and carried it to the house for an easy win.

Smiley collected 14 of the 35 total votes -- his only serious competitor was the '74 Derrel Thomas (9 votes). Cards like this one are an indicator of why I love Collector's Choice and, over two decades later, still miss it so much: it's a high-end shot (literally and figuratively) from a low-end set, the kind of card made for people who collect for fun more than anything else.

For that, I'm proud to induct Mr. Smiley into the Gallery of Frankenset Champions.

The Random Number Generator spit out #25, so we'll be looking at that fine page (#s 217-225) of the frankenset this week.

Let's meet the hopefuls.

1972 Topps #217 Roger Metzger

Off-center poses are the best poses.

1995 Pinnacle #218 Ricky Bones

A play at the plate(!) featuring pitcher Ricky Bones(!!!).

1983 Topps #219 Mike Armstrong

Fun fact: Mike Armstrong also played Milton Waddams in the movie Office Space.

2018 Topps Update #US220 Robinson Chirinos

Safe or out?

2014 Topps #221 Brian Dozier

Gatorade dump!

2018 Stadium Club #222 Domingo Santana

A rare sighting of the Brewers' alternate "Cerveceros" jerseys.

2014 Topps #223 Joaquin Benoit

Throwing it back to the Negro League's Detroit Stars franchise.

1993 Upper Deck #224 Jay Buhner

I've always gotten the feeling this was supposed to be a Ken Griffey Jr. card.

1995 Pinnacle #225 Mark Langston

One of the many reasons I feel '95 Pinnacle is horribly underrated.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. So much goodness on one page? Armstrong is probably my favorite, but I've seen that one before. So maybe I'll pick something different. The Buhner/Griffey is a treat, as is the Cerveceros jersey. And, how often do you get to see a pitcher throwing from the bullpen mound? Great stuff on this one, Nick!

  2. You had me at Milton and Office Space.

  3. Metzger gets my vote because it shows all the construction work to enclose Candlestick park in the background

  4. Correction the guy who played Milton was Stephen Root in Office Space aka Bill from King of the Hill cartoon not Mike Armstrong

  5. Mike Armstrong looks just as angry in the inset as he does in the main photo. Seems like both images were taken only seconds apart. Anyway, my vote goes to the Ricky Bones card. Such a great baserunning effort from a pitcher should be rewarded.
