Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 63: Numbers 559-567

Frankenset Page #43 WINNER -- 1973 Topps #386 Don Money (11 votes)

If I don't see a surefire favorite on a given page, I usually bank on vintage (if any) to win.

My theory proved right last week: Don Money's awful airbrush job (which makes him look oddly futuristic to me) comfortably ran the table, taking 11 of the 35 total votes for the victory. Like the week prior, all nine cards received at least one vote, which makes me happy because it means that something on all of them spoke to someone -- that's basically my job as a frankenset curator.

But Don Money spoke to the most of you out there, so into the Gallery of Frankenset Champions he goes.

The Random Number Generator spit out #63 this week, a high-numbered page (#s 559-567) I sadly have yet to complete.

I haven't secured a card for the #560 slot as of this writing, so please kindly try to ignore that garish empty pocket as we take a look at the other eight deserving nominees here tonight.

2009 Topps #559 Esteban German

I love all the neon and numbers and asterisks on that scoreboard. 

 1996 Fleer #561 Willie Blair

Don't be fooled by pitcher Willie Blair's attempt to look like a real, actual hitter -- his career batting average was .072.

1989 Upper Deck #562 Carney Lansford

Contrary to popular belief, there are other cards in '89 UD besides the hallowed Griffey -- many of which are quite good, actually. 

1991 Upper Deck #563 Junior Felix

The comical boot in the rump on the flipside is the only reason this one received frankenset consideration, but I still can't bring myself to display cards backside-first in my binders.

2014 Topps #564 Alejandro De Aza


1993 Topps #565 Jerald Clark

I've never been to Denver, but I hear it's a beautiful place. 

1979 Topps #566 Nino Espinosa

Perhaps Nino Espinoza's 'fro deserves to be ranked in contention with the Oscar Gambles and Jose Cardenals of the baseball universe.

1983 Fleer #567 John Grubb

I don't know what Ranger Aid is (was?), but this card is a fine advertisement for it.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Oooh, I got in the first vote! I bypassed a New York Met and went with Jerald Clark, because I always liked those 1993 cards of rocks and Rockies.

  2. Lansford at The Argument Clinic!

  3. John Grubb.
    I'll have what he's having.

  4. Zoomed out action shots are my thing. German got my vote.

  5. That Jerald Clark card almost looks like one of those motivational posters you'd find in an office: "Propel Yourself Over Mountains", or something like that. I'll go with Esteban German, though, because he looks tiny and the outfield looks huge.
