Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 29: Numbers 253-261

Frankenset Page #22 WINNER -- 2017 Stadium Club #197 Tyler Skaggs (14 votes)

With 2019 Stadium Club hitting shelves as we speak, I suppose it's appropriate that a fellow Stadium Clubber (if that's the proper term) won our most recent frankenset page.

There wasn't much drama last week: Tyler Skaggs took 14 of the 32 total tallies en route to the easy victory. He led big right from the start, and no other card ended up collecting more than seven votes. It's definitely worthy of a spot in the champions gallery: a fine example of the eye-popping panoramic beauty that's pretty much exclusive to Stadium Club these days.

One can only wonder how many future frankensetters this year's Stadium Club will end up producing.

With another Tuesday comes another batch of nine: as per the Random Number Generator, we'll be taking a look at Page 29 (#s 253-261) this week.

Let's meet the nominees.

1994 Fleer #253 Marcos Armas

Apologies, but I have no family-friendly captions for this card.

2017 Stadium Club #254 Maikel Franco

2017 Stadium Club looking for the repeat.

1977 Topps #255 George Scott

There's cool, and then there's Sharktooth Necklace cool. 

1984 Fleer #256 Larry McWilliams

Baseball cards within baseball cards will never cease to blow my mind. 

1995 Collector's Choice #257 Kirt Manwaring

Another museum piece from Frankenset MVP Kirt Manwaring. 

1991 Upper Deck #258 Jose Lind

Mini-collection hit on the front, pure awesomeness on the back. 

1993 Upper Deck #259 Brett Butler

My frankenset is forever indebted to 1993 Upper Deck. 

1992 Topps #260 Devon White

Hats off to Devon. 

2012 Topps #261 Kyle Blanks

I remember this card being quite popular when 2012 Topps came out, and now, seven years later, it's retained every bit of its beauty to me.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Several quality shots there to choose from.

  2. Scott got my vote. I wore a sharks tooth necklace back in the early 80's. Now I know who made them fashionable.

  3. These past few weeks have had some very strong frankenset pages. The Devon White card gets my vote. With the way the border of the card goes behind the helmet it appears that he's running so fast that not only did his helmet fly off his head but it is flying clean off the card.

  4. Dang this one was so tough. I'll go with Larry Mac over Armed. Like the design on the Armas but cards within a card wins it for me.

  5. Another tough one! Boomer's shark tooth necklace puts him over the top.

  6. Tough call, but I'll go with Larry McWilliams for the baseball card within the baseball card. And for that Pirates cap. And for the mustache, too.
