Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 61: Numbers 541-549

Frankenset Page #56 WINNER -- 2017 Topps #499 Danny Valencia (8 votes + tie-breaking vote)

We've got ourselves another tie!

Both Jay Bell and Danny Valencia finished last week's voting at eight votes a piece (of 31 total), and we very nearly had a three-way deadlock since Gregg Olson received seven tallies. So, as usual, I employ the standard tie-breaking protocol here: I ask the first five people who'd like to comment on this post to leave their choice between Bell and Valencia. The first card to receive three tie-breaking votes gets the crown.

I'll update this post once we have a winner.

EDIT: Valencia wins!

In the meantime, here's a look at this week's frankenset page, which is sadly incomplete as of this writing.

The Random Number Generator spit out #61, so we'll be taking a look at that page in the frankenset tonight. I've yet to obtain a worthy nominee for the #545 slot (though a quick COMC search provides at least one future candidate), so the polling will consist of just eight cards this week.

Let's meet them.

2016 Topps #541 James Shields

I will forever remain a sucker for these overhead pitching shots. 

1982 Topps #542 Ned Yost

A fine candid image of future manager Ned Yost.

1983 Fleer #543 Ron Gardenhire

Continuing the future-manager theme with this shot of Ron Gardenhire signing autographs.

2018 Topps Heritage High Numbers #544 Fernando Rodney

King of the crooked cap. 

1986 Fleer #546 Mike Krukow

Pitcher at the plate! 

1982 Donruss #547 Jeff Reardon

Since when does Donruss do airbrushing?! 

1999 Fleer Tradition #548 Bill Pulsipher

The face of everyone who tries to talk to me in line at Target. 

1998 Fleer Tradition #549 Devon White

Though it's one of my smaller mini-collections, I enjoy these rare behind the camera shots because of how very meta they are.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar, and don't forget to help break last week's tie!

Happy voting!


  1. Woo! I get to vote! Clinching it for Valencia!

  2. a vote for Bell is pointless now but I would've picked Valencia anyway!

  3. Valencia had my vote originally. This week... Krukow gets it. 1986 Fleer is a very underrated set.

  4. Tough choice between White and Gardenhire. I'm going to vote for Gardenhire based on that amazing stadium background!

  5. I'm also going with the '83 Fleer Gardenhire.
