Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 21: Numbers 181-189

Frankenset Page #61 WINNER -- 1983 Fleer #543 Ron Gardenhire (11 votes)

It's always fun when formerly obscure ballplayers become great managers, so I'm glad Ron Gardenhire won last week's page.

This fine autograph shot came on the heels of Gardenhire's only full season as a ballplayer (1982), and it's one of my favorites from '83 Fleer. The masses agreed, as Gardy collected 11 of the 38 total votes for the easy victory.

It's easy to forget that Ron Gardenhire was once an obscure Mets middle infielder, but thanks to you, that obscurity will now forever be immortalized in the Gallery of Frankenset Champions.

Thankfully, we're back to a full selection of nine cards this week: the Random Number Generator spit out #21, so we'll be looking at that page (#s 181-189) of the frankenset tonight.

Let's meet the nominees.

1973 Topps #181 Jack Brohamer

Another museum piece from '73 Topps.

1987 Sportflics #182 Marty Barrett

3-D cards scan like garbage, but you'll have to take my word for it that this is one excellent double dip (with a Dave Kingman cameo!).

1989 Topps #183 Oddibe McDowell

Between the bubble gum in hand and the "Oddibe" on the jacket, I've always enjoyed the muted beauty of this one.

1998 Topps #184 Jeff Montgomery

Fireman personified. 

1997 Collector's Choice #185 Geronimo Berroa

Not Kurt Bevacqua level, but still a formidable bubble. 

1993 Upper Deck #186 Mike Felder

The elusive throwback/dust cloud combo.

1977 Topps #187 Dick Pole


1991 Upper Deck #188 Shane Mack

Shane Mack, another relatively forgotten dude who always seemed to get great baseball cards. 

2018 Topps #189 Jedd Gyorko

Pure greatness from last year's Flagship.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Five of those are mini collection hits for me.

  2. Great '73 card and Dick Pole...hmmm...screw it...DICK POLE!!!

  3. Wow, this is one of the toughest ones in some time. I predict a showdown between DICK POLE and Jack Brohamer when it's all said and done.

  4. It's not often I'll take a 2018 card over a 1973, but today I'm voting for Gyorko.

  5. It's fun to say "Somebody airbrushed a trident on my Dick Pole!"

  6. Tough call, but I'm going with Oddibe "Young" McDowell (as Chris Berman would say).
