Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 4: Numbers 28-36

Frankenset Page #39 WINNER -- 1997 Fleer #344 Tony Eusebio (10 votes)

I try to be as unbiased as possible when it comes to these frankenset posts, but it's admittedly nice when a card I really like ends up winning a page.

I don't think I've ever seen this '97 Fleer Tony Eusebio anywhere else but my own collection -- it's a brilliant image that deserves more love. I'm not sure why it speaks to me, but it does, and I said as much in last week's post. Thankfully, a good number of readers agreed with me, and Eusebio ended up taking the crown, collecting 10 of the 30 total votes for the win.

It's a joy and a privilege to add him to the Gallery of Frankenset Champions.

I'll try not to be as biased this time around, but there are a good number of personal favorites in this week's nice low-numbered page.

The Random Number Generator spit out #4, which means we'll be looking at that page (#s 28-36) of the frankenset binder tonight -- let's meet the candidates.

1995 Pinnacle #38 Derrick May

A leap at the ivy. 

2000 Just Minors #29 Brian Daubach

The mascot approves.

2015 Stadium Club #30 Dilson Herrera

Stadium Club gives even the more obscure dudes their moment in the sun. 

2016 Topps Update #US31 Eduardo Nunez

All-Star double dip! 

1973 Topps #32 Fred Norman

Pitching for no one. 

1973 Topps #33 Jim Breazeale

I'm no fashion expert, but I think Jim Breazeale could use some new glasses there. 

2013 Topps Update #US34 AJ Pollock

AJ Pollock sends everybody home (against the team he now plays for, ironically).

2016 BBM Fusion #35 Yuta Iwasada

For the Japanese media. 

2018 Topps Update Chrome #HMT36 Nick Kingham

Stellar '70s throwbacks.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Saw a shot of Mantle today on reddit when he hit a lefty home run in an empty Tiger Stadium. The Norman card reminds me of it so he gets my vote this week.

  2. The Breazeale reminds me of the Seinfeld when George buys the women's glasses,so it wins!

  3. Love me some 73T and BBM cards... but that May at the wall is way too sweet to pass up.

  4. Daubach and the mascot would have been a contender if it wasn't for that stupid stripe right in the middle..

  5. Wilson Herrera. I like that photo.
