Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 1: Numbers 1-9

Frankenset Page #20 WINNER -- 1996 Collector's Choice #173 Gary Gaetti (8 votes)

I like when winning vote totals remain relatively low, because that often means I've done my job in crafting a well-rounded page.

This was the case last week: Gary Gaetti needed just eight votes (of 36 total) to take the crown. Two others (Blake Parker, Tom Haller) tied for second with six tallies each and every card received at least one vote (which I also like to see).

The Gaetti is one of the standout throwback shots in my collection, so I'm happy to add it to the Gallery of Frankenset Champions.

Well whaddya know: the Random Number Generator spit out grand old #1 today, which means we get to take a look at the very first page of my frankenset (#s 1-9) this week!

Let's meet the cover boys.

1991 Line Drive Pre-Rookie #1 Billy Bean

The frankenset kicks off with MLB's inaugural Ambassador for Inclusion.

2015 Bowman Chrome #2 Michael Brantley

Throwing it back to the Negro League's Cleveland Buckeyes. 

2019 Topps #3 Eduardo Nunez

A beauty from this year's Topps (sorry, Dodger fans). 

2016 BBM #4 Kazuhiro Wada

Flowers from the fans on a rare Japanese card in my frankenset (sent to me via a trademark Zapping, of course). 

1993 Stadium Club #5 Tony Phillips

The elusive double dip/throwback combo. 

1994 Topps #6 Derrick May

Prime bat rack action. 

1992 Upper Deck #7 Roberto Hernandez

The news as told by Channel 19. 

2017 Topps #8 Jose Berrios

Under the lights. 

2018 Stadium Club #9 Zack Godley

The one and only card I own of a dude jumping into a swimming pool.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. "Flowers from the fans on a rare Japanese card in my frankenset. "
    And it's a sunset card to boot.

  2. Dude going fully clothed into a pool?...take my vote!!

  3. Great Gaetti card. As much as I want to go Nunez I'll go with Godley and the pool!

  4. Longtime Oakland Athletic... Mr. Phillips had my vote until I saw some dude jumping into the pool.

  5. OK, I'll be "that guy"...I hate that Godley card. A baseball card should have a baseball player on it. Where he's playing baseball, or where I can see his face, or both. Not a guy's back and a swimming pool. Don't like it one bit.

    Other than that, it was a kick-ass page. It would have been fun to see some oddball set that only goes up to 10 or 20 here, but having a lovely Japanese card does compensate for that!

  6. My membership to Red Sox Nation would be revoked if I didn't vote for Nunez!
