Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 55: Numbers 487-495

Frankenset Page #28 WINNER -- 1983 Fleer #249 Aurelio Rodriguez (13 votes)

I said last week that this card makes me happy, so seeing it win the page makes me just ecstatic.

Aurelio Rodriguez (yes, the same Aurelio Rodriguez of '69 Topps bat-boy infamy) jumped out to an early lead and never looked back, taking 13 of the 38 total tallies to become last week's frankenset king. No one else received more than seven votes in the rout.

I try not to root for certain cards to win, but I was sure pulling for Rodriguez -- good to see the blogosphere didn't let me down.

The Almighty Random Number Generator spit out #55, so we'll be voting on that frankenset page (#s 487-495) this week.

So if you're not too exhausted from all the Hall of Fame debate/arguments/insanity you've endured over the last month or so, I invite you to select your favorite card from the newest crop of nine here tonight.

1994 Topps #487 Mike Benjamin

A former frankenset champion turning two. 

1982 Fleer #488 Steve Nicosia

From the official pose to the far-looking eyes, everything about this photo suggests grave seriousness...everything except the bubble, of course. 

1982 Topps #489 Rick Dempsey

Can't imagine there's too many cards of catchers bunting. 

1974 Topps #490 Vada Pinson

An elegant swing and a miss (note the ball in the catcher's mitt). 

1993 Stadium Club #491 Brian Hunter

Tread lightly and carry a Big Stick™.

1991 Upper Deck #492 Geno Petralli

Geno Petralli, an obscure player who seemed to get great baseball cards.

1990 Upper Deck #493 Randy Bush

A little batting cage action to lighten up your day. 

1997 Ultra #494 Mark Thompson

Pitcher at the plate! 

1983 Fleer #495 Leon Durham

More from the batting cage, including what I'm pretty sure is a Bill Buckner cameo in the background.

That's it for this week's page -- the polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. I didn't know about the bat boy switch-a-roo... thanks for providing the link. That was a fun and quick read!

  2. Love that swing and the miss... but ultimately Petralli and that action shot won me over.

  3. I'm torn between the bubblegum/pillbox hat greatness of Nicosia and the great photography/guy in the wife-beater of Petralli. I'm going to go with Nicosia, only because Upper Deck screwed up the border orientation with the horizontal photo.
