Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 28: Numbers 244-252

Frankenset Page #5 WINNER -- 1973 Topps #38 Mike Epstein (6 votes + tie-breaking vote)

Well it finally happened: for the first time since I revived these frankenset posts, we have ourselves a tie.

The votes were well spread out among last week's page -- every card received at least one vote and the top five favorites were separated by just two votes a piece -- but Epstein and Barton came out deadlocked on top with six tallies each (of 34 total). But there ain't no ties in baseball, and the same goes for my frankenset. 

So the tie-breaker goes as follows: I ask the first five people who care to comment on this post to leave their choice between Epstein and Barton, and whichever card receives three of those five tie-breaking tallies wins the page -- I'll update this post once we have a winner.

EDIT: Epstein wins!

After you've decided on your choice for last week's dead heat, come on back and vote on your favorite from this week's featured frankenset page -- hopefully the choice is a bit easier this time around.

As decreed by the Random Number Generator, we'll be taking a look at Page 29 (#s 244-252) this week, so let's meet the nominees.

1971 Topps #244 Bob Tillman

Serenity by the bat rack. 

2018 Topps Update #US245 Jose Pirela

A fine double dip from last year's Update.

1993 SP #246 Brian Harper

Do you have ten-pound balls? 

1992 Stadium Club #247 Kip Gross

A Renaissance painting. 

2012 Topps Update #US248 Felix Doubront

A generic pitching shot turned masterful by the Green Monster. 

1983 Fleer #249 Aurelio Rodriguez

This card makes me so happy. 

1991 Upper Deck #250 Mark Portugal

Pitcher at the plate! 

1993 Upper Deck #251 Dan Gladden

The Tigers don't get enough credit for their throwback jerseys -- these are superb. 

2001 Upper Deck #252 Pete Harnisch

One of the last multiple-exposure shots on record, and still one of my favorites.

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Keeping it interesting.

    Epstein with the Pokemon shadow shot!

  2. I prefer Mike Epstein because of his gracefulness, especially the way his hands are positioned in the opposite direction like a dancer. I assume he felt he didn't have to slide. I also chose him because he's Jewish and I'm Jewish.

  3. Damn,too late for an Epstein vote!...this week gotta go Harper with the brick phone!

  4. I would love for a card company to put together an all multi-exposure set. I think Panini could pull this off and no one would miss the logos because there would be so much more going on. No?
    That being said, I'm voting for the Aurelio Rodriguez card. It makes me happy, too!

  5. Epstein would have received my vote. He was my backup choice the first time around. I'm gonna go with Rodriguez this time around. Can't help but smile when you look at that card. Gotta wonder if the photographer had just asked him about the prank he pulled on his 69T card.

  6. If that Rodriguez card doesn't put a smile on your face, you're dead inside...

  7. Multi exposures get my vote all day every day
