Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 13: Numbers 109-117

Frankenset Page #74 WINNER -- 1992 Upper Deck #666 Bob Ojeda (16 votes)

As expected, last week's frankenset page boiled down to a two-horse race.

Paul Reuschel and Bob Ojeda duked it out for bragging rights of the (still incomplete) final page of my frankenset. Ojeda took an early lead and never let go, earning 16 votes to Reuschel's 13 (of 34 total) for the win. (The other five cards received a grand total of five combined votes.)

That's the Tommy Lasorda effect for you.

Thankfully, the Random Number Generator picked a lower-numbered (and complete!) page this week -- we'll be looking at Page 13 (#s 109-117) of the frankenset tonight.

Let's meet the nominees.

1992 Topps #109 Roger Craig

Managers can pull off throwbacks, too. 

1993 SP #110 John Burkett

Pitcher hauling ass. 

1993 Upper Deck #111 Brady Anderson

Sorry, Brady: that one ain't coming back.

2017 Stadium Club #112 Michael Lorenzen 

(Pitcher) Michael Lorenzen going deep for his dad.

1996 Collector's Choice #113 Jose Rijo

Jose Rijo, Frankenset MVP. 

1997 Collector's Choice #114 Charles Johnson

Get to know your catcher. 

1975 Topps #115 Joe Ferguson

Vintage play at the plate! 

1993 Upper Deck #116 Matt Nokes

Between the halo effect of the bat, the cut-off camera guy, and the random military dude in the background, this is as close as I've seen to a surrealist baseball card.

1989 Upper Deck #117 Gary Pettis

On his 1989 Upper Deck baseball card, Gary Pettis is showing us...the back of his 1989 Upper Deck baseball card?! What is this sorcery?

That's it for this week's frankenset page: the polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. The Pettis card hurts my head. What is on the front of the card he is holding?

  2. gary is holding a 2nd card. I wonder what card it is.

  3. Easiest and hardest decision yet. Hard because there are some great candidates with really awesome action shots. I was all set to pick the Brady Anderson. And I almost never go against vintage action (Ferguson). But there's no way I can't vote for Lorenzen. The fact that Stadium Club captured that moment on cardboard is fantastic.

  4. I would've easily voted for Craig, Burkett, or Nokes in a regular page but I had to go for the Pettis. I love stuff like that.

  5. Random military dude was probably on usher on the field.

    My best guess is Pettis is holding a random card with UD having an idea to add in a picture [early Photoshop or image editor] of what would be the back of his 1989 card.

    Which would be the better card - his 1985 Topps error or this one?

  6. Went with Burkett in the jacket that pitchers had to wear at Candlestick so they didn't get too cold.

  7. Hey Nick -- https://wgom.org/2018/12/13/december-13-2018-take-this/#comment-326420

    Happy Holidays!

  8. This was one of the most difficult pages to date. Every card in it has something to like. In the end I'm going with Pettis, just because I love meta cards.

  9. Had to go with Roger Craig- how many managers can wear a throwback and make it look like when he was a player. A nice card.
