Thursday, May 5, 2016

...and we're back

Hey, all.

How's it going? I hope all's been well since I announced my semi-retirement from the blogs a few months ago. Still collecting, I hope?

It's been a strange few months for me. A lot of ups and downs, steps forward and steps back, etc. I had a short story published. My undergraduate days are officially over. I completed my final college courses earlier this week. Grad school is fresh on my mind now, and I'll still be auditing some other courses at my college for my own mental enrichment in the meantime, but it does feel odd to say that I'm no longer an undergraduate. Hard for me to spit out.

As you might guess, going to school four days a week and working the other three didn't leave a ton of time for blogging, which is why I decided to step away from the game for the better part of the winter and early spring thus far. And, although I've probably spent less time with my baseball cards over the past few months than any other point in my life, I've come to realize just how therapeutic my collection can be.

There have been many times so far this year in which card-related activities -- sorting old cards, filing away new cards, or simply flipping through a binder in the wee hours of the morning -- have helped put my mind at ease and make everything else a little less scary.

Now that school is done for the summer, I think I'm finally ready to dip my toes back into the water and return to something I genuinely enjoy: blogging. I can't promise consistent posts -- I'm moving to a full-time work schedule for the summer -- and it'll probably be more of a gradual comeback, but I'll do my absolute best to be here at least once or twice a week these next few months.

I have a lot planned -- a card show recap, a flea market run, a couple Just Commons orders, and the ton of trade packages I've accumulated both before and during my hiatus...along with some (hopefully) original material, too, of course. I also want to get moving with my frankenset posts, as we only have about a dozen pages left before we can finally move onto the big Frankenset Bracket Extravaganza I've been looking forward to for nearly two years now.

I'm excited for all of it. While I've been reading and commenting on other blogs during during my semi-retirement, it does feel good to say that I'll be back to get my own posts up in the near future. I've missed contributing to this wonderful community.

To be honest, with the way my mind has been working lately, I've been worried that my baseball cards had become a distraction, a detour from an abstract vision of something larger I felt like I should be doing. But I see now that it's exactly the opposite. Baseball cards -- or any hobby, for that matter -- help to maintain our sanity. In a strange way, it's these very kinds of "distractions" that keep us focused in the long run, I think.

Sometimes, you just have to pick up a baseball card and laugh. Whether it's a devilish cartoon depiction of Anthony Rizzo or whatever else, I've learned to never underestimate or underappreciate the power of this hobby, a hobby that genuinely puts a smile on my face, day in and day out.

They really are more than just pieces of cardboard, you know.

Anyways, that's it from me for now. I'll see all of you very soon, most likely with Part 1 of a recap of a recent card show I attended.

Thanks for reading...and collecting.


  1. It's great to see you back up and running, Nick. Congrats on the pending graduation! Looking forward to whatever you have in store for us all. This community hasn't been quite the same without your contributions.

  2. Nick, reading a post from you is like a warm hug from an old friend! Happy to see you posting again.

  3. Welcome back, Nick! You hit the nail on the head about our hobby. It's just that -- a pastime to allow us to decompress from the stresses of the day, to laugh at photos, to learn about old players, or to reminisce about players we watched when we were young.

    I'm glad you're back.

  4. Welcome back Nick! Good to hear from you again.

  5. Look forward to looking forward to the blog again!

  6. It sounds like we're in for a lot of good upcoming content!

  7. Welcome back man! I'm waiting for the day that I'm done with school. Glad to have you back!

  8. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  9. I'm confused with the american college system (what exactly is an undergraduate ?), but it's great to read you again !

  10. Nice to have you back! I missed reading your posts and look forward to new ones.

  11. Welcome back. Can't wait for more!

  12. Welcome back. Hope you got some really great stuff.

  13. It was awesome to see a fresh post from you this morning! Welcome back. I've enjoyed your blog for quite some time now. Looking forward to seeing you around more often Nick. Congrats on the graduation! Cheers.

  14. Welcome Back Scholar and congrats.

  15. Welcome back! I can't believe your undergraduate work is complete! It seems like it was yesterday when you started!! Congrats and it is really nice to have you back!

  16. Great news! Congrats on finishing the undergrad!
    I think many of us know what it's like to put the hobby on hold when life gets busy, and I believe there are quite a few of us who still press the pause button from time-to-time.
    It is great to have you back in the blogroll.

  17. I was scrolling through my reading list when I saw your post and needed to do a double take. Congratulations and welcome back!

  18. I was weeding out the dead blogs from my follow list and then saw you were back. I assumed you would be back at some point (I didn't peg you as the sort that would permanently quit the hobby), so welcome back!

    BTW, it would have been great if you just started posting as if nothing happened, like that old Seinfeld episode where George went back to work after quitting the day before.
