Friday, January 30, 2015

You ever have one of those weeks?

You ever have one of those weeks?

One of those weeks where you don't feel like yourself?

One of those weeks where you can barely bring yourself to look at your baseball cards?

One of those weeks where you feel like you've been clubbed over the head?

One of those weeks that seems like a headache?

One big headache?

One of those weeks that makes you want to scream?

One of those weeks where everything flies past you?

One of those weeks where everything seems backwards?

I just did.

I guess the important thing is to keep smiling.

Keep flashing the thumbs-up.

And maybe even dole out a high-five or two.

Hey, I'm feeling better already.


  1. My week was three weeks ago when I was sick and couldn't walk and was just getting bad grades and had a ton of homework. At least it's over now! Great post!

  2. Hang in there, m'man. No matter how dour life may seem or how deep the you-know-what gets from time to time, our hobby will always be there to act as a pleasant distraction and brighten our spirits. I mean, if that Gary Carter card don't make you smile, nothing will!

  3. If it makes you feel any better I really liked your post. A great collection of cards to convey your message.

    Chin up, Sunday starts a new week and a new month!

  4. Here's hoping for a fresh and much better upcoming week.
