Monday, January 5, 2015

With a heavy heart

It is with a heavy heart that I report that I will be taking a brief hiatus from "Dime Boxes."

My cat, Buddy, whom I have grown up with for the past nine years of my life, passed away earlier this afternoon. He saw me off to high school, to college, and to pretty much every endeavor of my life.

It's always hard to lose a pet, but the fact that Buddy was there for so many of the pivotal moments of my life thus far makes this even tougher. He always greeted me at the door when I came home from card shows.

I'm sure my cards will help in the healing process, but, at least for a couple days, this blog will be going dark. "Dime Boxes" will be dedicated to Buddy's memory from this day forward.

In the meantime, I wish everyone well. I see "Wallet Card" has really started to take off, and I myself am participating. My spare 1992 Upper Deck Darryl Kile will be doing the honors. (A card that makes me smile every time I see it, and issued the year I was born, to boot.)

While I won't be writing, I'll be reading everything all of you write over the next couple days. Whether it's about Dodgers or Giants, base cards or autographs, or good ol' dime boxes, I'll be reading. Baseball cards really are the best medicine, no matter what anyone says.

Besides, Buddy would've wanted it that way.

RIP, pal.

You will always be my best friend in the world.


  1. Sorry for your loss. I went through the same thing a couple of years ago when my beloved black cat Bagheera had to be put to sleep at the age of 16. It was a tough time and I still miss him very much.

  2. That is the worst thing about truly caring for a pet. Sorry for the loss of a friend.

  3. Very sorry for your loss Nick. You will be in my thoughts.

  4. Sorry for your loss my friend. It is tough to lose a pet that has been so much a part of your life.

  5. My condolences for the loss of your best friend. I know this feeling myself.
    We'll be here when you're ready to return, and you know good ol' Buddy will never really leave your side.

  6. Losing a pet can be hard,especially one you've grown up with.Look at the bright side,at least he got to spend his life In a happy home where he was loved and taken care of.Hang In there Nick ;)

  7. I understand. I lost my Maine Coon Kooshie a few years ago. I had him for 7 years before I met my wife. He instantly accepted her with no jealousy and for the next six years became equally hers. We still talk about him all the time. Take your time.

  8. Sorry to hear that, big guy. Come back when you're ready.

  9. You're the best, Nick. Wishing you strength during this tough time.

  10. Sorry for your loss. Take heart & always remember the fun memories.

  11. Very sad to hear, I have had many pets in my life, and its always sad to see them pass, especially when you have a great bond with them.

  12. R.I.P. Buddy - take the time to bounce back from your loss and hope we'll be seeing our regularly scheduled Dime Box posts once again.

  13. We had to put down one of our cats late last year. Never an easy thing to deal with loss.

    I'm sorry for yours.

  14. Sorry for you loss. We lost our pet Ferret 6 months ago and I agree it's rough to not see your friend and compatriot.

  15. So sorry for your loss. It's tough as they become an extension of your family.

  16. I'm so sorry, It's very hard to lose a pet. I have a cat and a dog now, and every time I take my dog out for a walk my cat comes. When I was sick, they were there, when I was hurt, they were there, and when I was down, they were there. They are always there for me no matter what. It's hard when you lose a pet, but It's just another bump in the road on your long journey, and you have to get over that bump. Finding a new friend is always an option, but there not the same at all. Who knows, when my cat passed away about 5 years ago, I thought I would never find a better friend and I was so sad for such a long time. Then, my older brother found a stray cat and named him Monstertruck. He's just as good as my other cat, if not better, so sometimes you just have to test your luck. I'm sorry for your loss, but you will get over it.

  17. Sorry to here about Buddy. Losing a pet is the worst

  18. I'm really sorry to read this post about your cat. I have told my wife many times that when Jericho (my cat) goes, it will be a dark day in our house. He has been with me since I was in college. Always a fixture laying on his back with his "special" parts exposed for everyone to see always makes me laugh.

    I'll be thinking about you, man. I hope you feel better. I know he cannot be replaced.

  19. Losing a pet is so hard; losing one you've grown up with is heart-wrenching. I feel your pain and I'll be thinking of you... I'll give my "furry daughter" some extra petting in Buddy's memory.

  20. Nick, I'm so sorry to hear Buddy is gone. He was no doubt a unique and special friend. My 23 yr old Baby Kitty passed six years ago and I still feel the loss. Take your time Nick. You have my sympathies!

  21. Condolences Nick, sorry for the loss of your Buddy.
    RIP Buddy!!

  22. looks like a ragdoll? i dread the day my wife's cat leaves us. wishing you all the best...

  23. Sending healing energy your way. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

  24. I totally understand where you're coming from on this -- it was like this for me a few times in the last five or so years with two dogs and a cat passing away. I'm very sorry for your loss, and know that you are not alone.

  25. That's a true friend..It's always difficult to lose a pet.

    Hope you come back soon to writing again.
