Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Game 7 repack (from Walgreens)

I've barely had any time for baseball lately.

The sudden pile of essays, tests, and general busy work I've been getting at school couldn't have come at a worse time. I've only managed to catch bits and pieces of the first six games of this year's Fall Classic and haven't had a ton of time for blogging or cards in general.

Thankfully, though, I've managed to almost entirely clear my schedule tonight and will be kicking back and taking in (what I hope is) an exciting Game 7 at around seven.

I thought I'd celebrate the occasion by featuring a repack I recently opened. I've posted about repacks many times throughout my blogging career, but this one was a little different from the rest.

My dad spotted this 100-card lot in a clearance aisle a couple weeks ago at Walgreens, of all places. Originally priced at five bucks, he got it for $2.50. Though I've heard rumors of it in the past, I've personally never seen cards in a Walgreens.

I was interested to see how it would compare to the dozens of Target repacks I've opened over the years.

It started out with a bang, as you might have noticed from the front window of the repack.

This insert from Topps's "Vintage Legends" series is a nice addition to my growing Eddie Murray collection.

Though Topps somehow managed to butcher its own design (those nameplate letters are WAY bigger than the original '63s), I'm still happy to have it.

It's a shame that I didn't realize how great these team cards were when they originally hit the shelves.

I've been picking up more and more of these on the cheap these past few years, a constant reminder of my pre-blogger ignorance when it comes to recognizing cool cardboard.

Better late than never, I guess.

Even though they came from different retail outlets, I'm almost positive that these repacks were made by the same company.

I noticed a lot of similarities between the two. I've pulled a decent amount of mid '80s Fleer from Target repacks, but it was good to get one I actually needed with the Franco this time around.

A sweet Rickey Henderson oddball fell out of the last repack I opened. As fate would have it, another one popped out of this very Walgreens lot.

That can't be a coincidence.

The giveaway for me was that this batch featured a team-issue card with the Glavine, another one of the common threads between the two repacks.

Oh, and I spy a lurking outfield decal on the King Felix!

Maybe it is time to officially start that mini-collection.

Two great cards of The Kid.

From a Walgreens clearance shelf and into my binders.

Repacks are always good for a few fun cards.

Maybe it's just me, but that windup makes Larry McWilliams look more like a ballerina dancer than a big league pitcher. The Anderson is a beautiful new addition to my throwbacks mini-collection, and one I'd never seen before my dad picked up this repack.

At about two cents a card, you can't beat it.

These are both new additions to some of my more obscure player collections.

Pulling a minor league autograph of Ben Davis as a young lad is one of the earliest card-related memories I have. I still have that card, and I've collected him ever since because of that.

Why I collect Glendon Rusch, however, is anyone's guess.

If you're lucky, repacks can hook you up with a few cards from long-forgotten sets.

Metal Universe and early-2000's Finest aren't exactly what I'd call common finds in this day in age.

One thing that separated this batch from most of the others I've opened was the presence of inserts.

I'd say about 99 percent of the cards I've ever pulled from repacks have been base cards. And I'm completely fine with that. That's why I buy repacks in the first place.

Still, finding a couple inserts this time around was a special little treat.

Especially one with that wacky "Ultra Performers" design.

I've had this card for years, but that didn't make finding it in this repack any less intriguing.

To know that my man Wilbur Wood could be lurking in Walgreens aisles around the country is both comforting and off-putting.

Hopeful that he could find a good new home at any second, yet disappointed that he's probably lying unloved in clearance aisles next to toilet cleaner and bug spray.

You there! Go save Wilbur Wood from your local Walgreens!

That is, after you enjoy Game 7.

Then go to Walgreens.


  1. Holy hell - check out that O's throwback!

    Also, that outfield wall behind Felix is Comiskey, but you knew that.

  2. That Wilbur Wood card was one of my faves as a lad.....glad you enjoyed the box!!

  3. I saw these repacks at my local Walgreens too. Now I'm tempted to get one.
