Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Gems of Junk Wax, Pt. 71: 1992 Upper Deck #255 Cecil Fielder

Some cards commemorate some of baseball's greatest moments.

Some cards feature intense action shots.

Some cards, though, are just plain funny. That's exactly what we have here.

It's Cecil Fielder in a lawn chair having some good-natured fun with the famous San Diego Chicken.

The sheer humor makes this one of my personal favorites from the entire overproduction era.

I'm desperately trying to think of more to say about this card, but I can't.

I think the greatness of it pretty much speaks for itself.


  1. I'd like Clark better if somehow he was more like the SD Chicken. Has there ever been a better mascot?

  2. That poor lawn chair!

    Great choice for a spotlight card, for sure.

  3. That mascot hand on Cecil's knee..eheh
