Monday, August 12, 2013

The Gems of Junk Wax, Pt. 60: 1990 Donruss #570 Wallace Johnson

This isn't a joke.

Against all odds, I'm actually inducting a card from 1990 Donruss into the "Gem of Junk Wax" annals.

I've never liked this design. Never have, never will. Next to the awful 1989 Bowman, it's probably my least favorite set in cardboard history.

The random combination of cursive, red borders, and random black and white dots has made me shield my eyes on more than one occasion.

So, then, why does this one earn a special distinction?

To answer that question, I'll direct you to Douglas's awesome blog, "Sportscards from the Dollar Store". He was nice enough to drop a mailer onto my doorstep recently, one that included today's GOJW subject.

For a while, I thought I had the only pinch-hitter card in history with the cult classic '92 Donruss Jose Tolentino. However, Douglas recently posted about a new member of the exclusive "PH Club" in Wallace Johnson.

Johnson, who was an Expo for all but seven games in his big league career (thanks to a brief stint with the '83 Giants), actually earned the distinction on multiple cards. Douglas was nice enough to send the 1990 Donruss edition over.

The "PH" label was rightly earned in his case, as he had just 125 plate appearances in 85 games with Montreal in '89. Nevertheless, it's still odd to see on a baseball card.

And, knowing me, anything a bit out of the ordinary fits right in with my collecting ways.

Douglas didn't stop there, though.

As I've mentioned in the past, he likes to send me hockey variations of my many mini-collection themes. I count at least eight mics on this great interview shot of "The Great One".

In fact, it's one I remember vividly from my brief hockey collecting days.

I guess Stadium Club knocked it out of the park in the world of hockey cards as well.

Although that metaphor doesn't work quite as well if we're not talking about baseball.

Also included in this package was a nice stack of Archives needs.

For the record, I don't collect Ryan Braun anymore. This mailer hit my doorstep a few days before he received his Biogenesis suspension. (Which should tell you just how behind I am with my trade posts.)

I'll be keeping the Braun cards I already own, but that Archives piece could very well be the last card of his I voluntarily acquire.

From "Miggy" to "The Grandy Man" to "Kung Fu Panda", though, the rest of these more than made up for the unfortunate appearance from Mr. Braun.

Besides, it's hard to not like any page that features the "Goose".

Last, but not least, we have this awesome "double dip" shot, courtesy of 1991 Score.

I've always liked this particular set due its different-colored borders. If this one is any indication, they certainly didn't slack on the photography that year, either.

While Greg Gagne is the main feature here, I love the Dave Henderson cameo. Plus, after this year, we'll never see another player wear #42.

I wouldn't rule out seeing this one in a future post with this theme.

Douglas is definitely a pro at digging up gems like these.

1 comment:

  1. There was a 1975 Topps Pinch Runner card of Herb Washington just a heads up if you’re interested. Follow me on Instagram I just started a collectible page with my PC and that led me to your blog with our appreciation for the 92 TSC Ruben Sierra. @love4sportscards_comics_toys
