Sunday, February 3, 2013

Into the Sunset, Pt. 14: Bo Jackson

Well, unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably know what today is.

Super Bowl Sunday!

Or, rather, the day of the "big game", as the commercials call it. The actually NFL trademarked the, um...bowl term long ago.

I hope I don't get into any trouble for using it here.

Still, try as I might, I just can't force myself to get that excited over it.

Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate football as much as the next person. And I've spent many a Sunday plopped on the couch watching the sport over the years.

But, even though the Ravens are my favorite non-Chicago football team, I'll probably have a passing interest in the "festivities" this year.

At most.

However, in keeping with the overall "theme" of the blogosphere this evening, I'll be tying tonight's post in with football as much as I can.

And, since I was due for a "sunset" post anyways, I figured I'd might as well feature arguably the greatest two-sport star the world has ever seen.

Mr. Bo Jackson.

I have absolutely no idea how that "custom" card at the top of the post came into my possession. Yet, although it's not my favorite Bo Jackson card, I felt it was the most appropriate given the overall tone of the evening.

Besides, it's a pretty awesome piece either way.

Is it not?

However, like almost every player who retired during the mid-to-late '90s, I can't say that I own Jackson's complete "sunset" collection.

Still, though, I feel I have enough to fill a post.

And, luckily for me, "Bo" closed out his career in a fairly unfamiliar uniform as well.

All the more reason to collect his "sunset" cards.

After five famous seasons in Kansas City and two mediocre years with the White Sox, Jackson would finish up his career as a California Angel in '94.

Although the strike-shortened year limited him to just 75 games, he'd actually post the best single-season batting average of his career with a .279 mark.

Unfortunately, he did so with a 47-68 team, one of the many dreadful seasons the Angels would endure during the early '90s.

They missed it by a lot more than "that much", Bo.

Unlike most of my "sunset" subjects thus far, none of Jackson's final cards were all that subpar.

Given its fairly interesting photo choice, Upper Deck did a decent job with their tribute to "Bo".

In this case, though, I guess it's just "the worst of the best".

Sorry, Upper Deck.

Even Sportflix managed to get in on the "sunset" action.

Although they scan like absolute you-know-what, I've always been a bit of a sucker for these "double-image" 3-D cards. 

I just wish my readers could actually see the "double-image" side of this one. It's actually pretty cool.

And, although I may be in the minority here, I'd like to see Topps revive them one of these days.

I'd definitely chase something like that.

Ever since I noted the lack of Collector's Choice in my household a few days ago, I've had a couple people tell me differently from their experiences.

Apparently, people all across the country are sitting on thousands of these things.

Either way, though, I just can't seem to find much around these parks. I guess that's what made one of my previous dime box adventures so memorable.

Still, I have managed to get my hands on some Collector's Choice over the years.

I'm particularly proud to have this particular "sunset" piece in my collection. Action shots of "Bo" at the plate always make for beautiful baseball cards.

Even so, this wasn't even their best work.

This was.

For a short time, the people at Upper Deck released two different Collector's Choice brands during the season.

One was your standard Collector's Choice set. 

The other, however, was the seemingly coveted "Special Edition" version of the checklist, containing blue borders and different pictures than the regular release.

Although they're not really much more "special" than the standard set, this particular card of Jackson does edge out the other Collector's Choice issue.

By 1994, "Bo" obviously wasn't the player he was during his prime.

Still, you'd never know it from those biceps.

Yes, I know I just showed this card on the blog yesterday.

It was a part of my latest "big box o' cards".

I said it then, and I'll say it again.

This may just be the most psychedelic "sunset" card I own.

I seem to enjoy Topps' 1995 design more and more with each passing day.

Although I recently gave it runner-up honors, I'm starting to think that it may indeed be the most underrated Topps set in history.

Between the lovable white borders, clean design, and stellar photography, it's hard to find many flaws with it.

The people at Topps certainly gave Jackson a nice send-off with this one.

Still, the six "sunset" cards I've shown thus far will never, ever sniff the top slot in this countdown.

In the wide world of this little collection of mine, Bo Jackson may very well own the most bad-ass final card in the history of this hobby.


That's why.

Both literally and figuratively, Pinnacle certainly went "outside the box" with this one.

I mean, it's Bo Jackson and a U.S. Navy plane.

Need I say more?

Well, there's my obligatory pigskin-related post for the day.

Bo Jackson is certainly a stand-out figure as far as both baseball and football goes. I've had a blast collecting his cards over the years.

I hope all you football fans out there enjoy the "big game". I'll probably be tuning in at some point.

Still, I can't help but have one question.

Is spring training here yet?


  1. Man I love seeing Bo Jackson in an Angels uniform. I've recently started collecting his cards.

  2. To scan the other image on a Sportflix card turn it sideways on your scanner. If that doesn't work just keep rotating it until it does.

  3. I have that Blue Angels Pinnacle card in a binder. Under "J." Totally forgot about it....

    AdamE, thanks for the advice - why didn't I think of that?

  4. Speaking of Collector's Choice (again), I went through and weeded out all of the ones I could find. I'll send them your way in a few days. I've been meaning to send you a package for a while but I saw a card on Listia and thought "Ooh, Nick would like that!" and have been waiting 'til it gets here to send it along.
