Monday, July 9, 2012

Cardboard Masterpieces, Pt. 14

2003 Stadium Club #73 Phil Nevin

What defines a "cardboard masterpiece"?

In simple terms, it's pretty much any "cool" card that has found its way into my collection. (I'm sure there's still a ton of "masterpieces" that have eluded me thus far.)

Some of them are shots from a historic event in baseball history. Some of them just have neat in-action photos. But one word can characterize every single "masterpiece" in my collection.


This particular card is the very definition of that.

It's the only card I've ever come across that shows a player breaking up a double play Albert Belle style. This one has been in my collection for a long, long time, even before I re-acclamated myself with the baseball card world in '05.

One of my very first "masterpieces".

Belle aside, I've personally never seen anyone try this during a baseball game in my lifetime. (Unless you count Mark Prior's ill-fated collision with Marcus Giles.)

It looks like Dodgers' second baseman Mark Grudzielanek was able to hold onto the ball, despite the fact that Phil Nevin looks to be about twice his size.

The concept of "dating" cards is one that I'd never heard of before I joined the blogosphere. I tried my hand at it with this card, at least until I found out another blogger had already attempted to do the same.

From what he says, it appears to be one of those "mystery" games. I guess we'll never know the origin behind this particular play.

The sheer awesomeness of this card is no great mystery, though.

It's out there for all to see.


  1. I also like this card, obviously. I might need to revisit my post on it, though. Not sure if it was a typo or if I really did look at game logs from 2000.

    1. I meant 1999. I took a quick look at 2002 game logs and didnt see any tag plays involving the two.
