Sunday, May 6, 2012

Look out, it's contest time!

I'm closing in on a few milestones here, both on the blog and in my everyday life as well.

For one, I'm nearly done with my spring semester at college. I've got two finals tomorrow and one on Tuesday. Then summer vacation, here I come!

Also, I'm nearing the 20,000 views mark on the blog. I find it amazing that I've even gotten anywhere close to that.

But lastly, and most importantly, tomorrow will be the five-month anniversary of "Dime Boxes".

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Starting a blog was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've met tons of great collectors who have numerous different ways of attacking their respective collections. The generosity of the blogosphere has been amazing, as I've already made 24 trades with other bloggers and readers, many of whom went above and beyond any trade I'd ever experienced before.

I can't thank the great people in the blogosphere enough.

In honor of all these recent milestones, I'm going to hold a contest. It's my little way of giving back to a community which has already given me so much.

The prize is something I hope people will enjoy. The winner will receive a couple snap cases full of cards you might find from a "virtual dime box". I'll include cards of your favorite player(s) and/or team(s), but I'll also send you some cool, interesting, or simply funny cards that most collectors should like, such as the above Tony Kubek. There will also be a few "bargain" cards inside, representing the steals that can be found inside almost any dime box.

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post saying, "I love dime boxes!", or something to that extent.

The deadline to enter will be this Tuesday at 5:00 central time. (At which time I will be all done with school.) I'll put everyone's names into a randomizer and randomize it niiiiiiiinnnnne times, in honor of one of my favorite scenes from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

I'll post the winner that night.

While I've learned a bit more in the two months since I made this post, my general message to the blogosphere hasn't changed.

Thank you.


  1. I love dime boxes! and I love contest. Congrats on the blog, I hope to someday achieve your awesome view marks as well ! congrats and keep it up !

  2. I love dime boxes, and I wish that they existed here in western PA!!

    Congrats on finishing your semester in one piece :)

  3. I love dime boxes and all the beauty they possess inside. I guess I stole both parts of that sentence. I bet I'm gunna owe someone.

  4. I love dime boxes. At an LCS I used to go to they had dime and quarter boxes, I think. Got some nice cards for like 2 bucks.

  5. Is it possible to love something you've never seen?

    (Your deep thought of the day).

    I love contests though!

  6. I love, love, love dime boxes! The greatest joy of a cheap card collector. And this blog is such a perfect exploration of the low-end purchases and high-end writing.

    Congrats on all your blogging accomplishments!

  7. I love dime boxes (it's the same in Canadian funds) and contests

  8. I love me some dime boxes something awful!!

    And continued success to you!

  9. I dig dime boxes!!!

    Congrats on your milestones.

  10. I've never seen a dime box, but I like the concept. Nice blog and good luck on the finals.

  11. Unfortunately my LCS only has $.50 boxes filled with cards that should be in nickel boxes. I'd live dime boxes if I ever came across one I'm sure!

    Thanks for the contest.

  12. me love dime boxes ....
    me love cutey in bikini too. :)

  13. I wish I could find a dime box to love.

  14. I love the dime boxes blog! Keep up the great work!

  15. I love lamp.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I love dime boxes! Thanks for the contest.

  18. I'm super jealous of dime boxes!!! 20,000 hits in 5 months is amazing.

  19. A dime box is truly a fun place to play.
    You pick out your cards and you go up to pay.
    The shopkeep tells you, "I'm sorry, you're wrong.
    Those cards have been five cents apiece all along."

    (Dimebox Uber Alles)

  20. I love Dime Boxes! Your mascot should be Dimebox Darrell.

  21. I love Dime Boxes. Good work!

  22. I love dime boxes. Usually I only see quarter boxes, but I would totally tear a dime box up.

  23. I love dime boxes. Especially if they are filled with dimes...or cookies.

  24. Who DOESN'T love dime boxes?!

  25. I like turtles...

    I will love dime boxes if I were to come across one!

    Congrats on your achievements and thanks for the contest!

  26. I love dime boxes, when I can find them!

  27. Gotta love those dime boxes their older siblings the quarter boxes and their cousins the buck boxes. Not sure if there are any boxes actually named "buck box" but "everything a $1" will do in a pinch.

  28. Wow, 20,00 hits already? Congrats and keep up the good work!
