Saturday, January 28, 2012

One of the reasons I love the blogosphere

A month ago, I started blogging because I love baseball cards. Plus, I wanted to share my thoughts with a community that shares many of the same interests as I do.

But I've come to realize that there's a whole other reason why blogging is so great.

The people.

The baseball card blogging community has been nothing but helpful and encouraging to me thus far.

Plus, it seems like all the bloggers want to help the others out. That's what I like most.

I've been lucky enough to make a few trades with other bloggers already, and almost all of them have thrown in a few extra cards for me. I've taken note and have started to add extras in for other traders as well. It's like a never-ending circle. (I mean that in a good way.)

Napkin Doon was nice enough to send me about 50 cards from the '97 Pacific Crown set, free of charge. (I'd recently said how difficult it was for me to find Pacific-issue cards.)

Was there seriously a major league ballplayer named Jayhawk Owens?

There's quite a few neat horizontal cards from this set.

That Darin Erstad one is one of the finest in-action batting shots I can remember seeing. Gotta lay off those high pitches!

Bonus! A couple I need for my player collections.

Compared to other mid/late 1990's sets, the design of this set is pretty nice. It's a little tough to read the names at times, but the in-action photos more than make up for that. I haven't seen a posed photo on one of these cards yet.

Also included was a nice addition to my "Short Term Stops" collection, as Brent Mayne only played one year as a Met.

Much thanks to Napkin Doon for the wonderful cards. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything you might need in the future.

And thank you, blogosphere, for introducing me to a whole new aspect of baseball card collecting. It's greatly appreciated.


  1. Blogging was the best thing I've ever gotten into. In 6 short months I've traded with a bunch of great people and have more knowledge about cards now than I ever did before.

  2. Glad you got them and glad you liked them!
