Thursday, December 22, 2011

Only I would buy this card, Pt. 2

1975 Hostess #80 Robin Yount SP

I previously blogged about a "washer-used" George Brett rookie card that I found in a fifty-cent bin.

Robin Yount is the other big rookie from the year of 1975. Technically, this one isn't listed as a rookie card, but I'll consider it one anyway. 

At the local flea market (which takes place every weekend in the spring and summer), there's usually the same cluster of guys with baseball cards in the same spot every week. However, on some weeks, there's other baseball card sellers scattered about the gigantic flea market venue. A lot of the time, it's just overpriced junk, though.

However, on one of those weeks, I came across a guy that had a box full of dime cards. Naturally, I sifted through them, but I wasn't expecting to find much.

To my surprise, I found that there was a little of everything in the box. Some new stuff, some '90's stuff, some junk wax. But the guy also had a lot of beat-up 1970's cards in the dime box. And this Robin Yount card was one of them.

It's in better shape than the '75 George Brett card I found, but that's not saying much. It's still got two large creases running through the card, and it's got stains from the Hostess package it came in running across the sides of the card. Plus, the photo looks to be a bit blurred.

Like George Brett, I don't really collect Robin Yount. But how could I pass this one up? I would've bought almost any Hostess card for a dime, but a "rookie card" of a two-time MVP? And a Hall of Famer? For a dime? A steal if I ever saw one!

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