Thursday, April 23, 2020

Picking pockets

If you've been reading blogs lately, you've probably noticed the trend of card giveaways around the cardsphere as of late.

It's heartwarming to see people being so magnanimous in these strange times, and I do plan on offering free cards myself soon because, at the very least, I feel I owe a debt to everyone who's been letting me claim free stuff from them. Generosity is a trend that should always be reciprocated. But I have to admit that I'm still a bit wary of doing a Free Card post -- not because I don't have extra cards that could definitely use better homes than mine, because I do.

No, mine is a common worry: I'm worried that people who don't even read my blog or any others (aka prize hounds) will start claiming stuff, and I don't really have a way to control that. I'm on Twitter enough to know that this will happen -- and the couple giveaways I've run on this blog brought out readers that I've never seen comment on my blog before or since. I understand people can't read/comment on every post, but it's pretty obvious who's actually a reader and who's just doing it for the prizes.

When I say the blogs are a community, I don't use that term loosely -- I feel a bond with the people like me who choose to read and write about baseball cards, and if I'm going to give cards away I want them to go to someone who's actually one of us, someone in the community.

But I guess in some ways I shouldn't talk, since I've already taken quite a bit without yet giving -- I mean, I've got a whole post full of stuff I've claimed from Julie's generous Pick Pockets program over at the excellent "A Cracked Bat" blog.

Julie's been a longtime friend of the blog, and her "Pick Pocket" free cards are pretty darn close to virtual dime boxing. They certainly have the unquestioned quality of a good dime box. I didn't actually claim the Doug Harvey insert at the top of the post, Julie just threw it in -- and I love it because how often do you see umpire cards?

These four, however, were all specifically claimed by yours truly -- I'm especially fond of the McCutchen since it's one of the few cards that depicted his already-forgotten stint as a Yankee.

Bless Julie's heart, giving away HOFer food oddballs for free.

Sweet minis! Although I don't know if those "Fortune Teller" inserts officially qualify as minis since they're just as tall as a normal card, just narrower.

More of your standard mini fare.

I think by now you can see why I feel so indebted to people like Julie for offering up such great cardboard.

I'm usually a bit shy about claiming free stuff, but then again it's not every day I see inserts and parallels and oddballs of big names like these (Boggs! Campy!) up for grabs.

A few more modern dudes here -- the Rizzo was one of the last base cards I needed from 2020 Topps, and wouldn't you know it, there it was on Julie's page, waiting to be picked!

Also I got so excited over seeing a free Japanese card that I instantly claimed that Tanaka...only to realize that I actually already had it, part of a past Zippy Zapping, no doubt. As is the insanity that sometimes comes over me when it comes to free baseball cards.

So that's the first time in my recorded history that I've had doubles of a Japanese card -- though I'm happy to say I've already passed it on to another collector who I hope will enjoy the Pick Pockets by proxy.

Russell Martin is a lower-tier player collection of mine, but no matter -- if I see one of these breathtaking diamond parallels of anyone I collect, wherever they are on the totem pole, I want it.

So, once again, I extend a hearty thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to Julie and all the other awesome bloggers who've let people like me scoop up the misfit toys of their collection. And yes, look for a free card post from me at some point soon. Like I said, it's the least I can do to contribute to the community.

But if you're a prize hound, just do me and all these other bloggers a favor and stay away -- we know what you're doing, and we're not idiots.


  1. Great stuff,I really like those Fortune Teller cards!

    "Prize hounds"?...people really do that!?...

  2. Well, I haven't seen you over picking through the freebies on my blog yet, maybe you should!

  3. Julie is very generous, and always really nice. Some great cards there. And I read your blog. I don't always comment but I do read.

  4. I’ve thought about posting stuff to giveaway too. I haven’t worried too much about prize hounds. I planned on not posting links to those posts on Twitter. I just don’t want to be too derivative since so many folks are doing similar things. It’s hard for me to believe, but I haven’t claimed any freebies to date.

  5. Yes, Mike, people really do that.

    I'm right there with you, Nick (You're the second to post on this theme today by the way). If you're getting something for nothing at my blog, I'd prefer it to be free information or pictures or just a little free entertainment. Why should I spend money on a stamp (and risk getting a deadly disease in this day and age) for someone who isn't really interested in my blog?

    Also, I've yet to look at what Julie's got in that Pick Pocket program. I guess I should.

  6. It's weird. There are a few blogs out there that I'm only discovering because people are posting the free stuff they've gotten and now I feel like a prizehound for following those even though I'm not jumping on any of the giveaways. No idea how real hounds live with themselves.

  7. The Clark Bar Reggie edges out the Jimmy Dean Catfish Hunter.

    I give out a lot of free cards through TCDB. I figure if bloggers think I'm a prize hound, they can just not send me any cards. Ha.

  8. You've got excellent taste Nick. Sport King, Kenner SLU's, a Jimmy Dean Catfish are all right up my alley.

  9. That's a whole lot of great cards there. I especially like the Doug Harvey!

  10. I'll admit, I often feel like a prize hound because I don't always comment on posts. I read too many blogs that I try to comment only when I can add to a conversation or I find the post particularly note-worthy.

    That being said, you picked up some great cards! I never knew Clark bars issued cards.

  11. There's a reason why I enter contests well after they've concluded, I'm not giving out my personal mailing address to any more people than I have to or for something I don't necessarily want enough to buy for myself.

  12. Nice grabs Nick! Those Sport Kings and Platinum Diamond parallels are right up my alley!

  13. I agree with you 100% about "prize hounds" and I feel guilty about claiming cards without sending a return. I'm sending out all of my Free Stuff claims tomorrow, so if you want to claim some more cards please feel free. Don't worry about a return, I'll peruse your giveaway post when the time comes ;)

  14. Cool post! I too find myself trying to figure how I can somehow reciprocate, which is not always easy.

  15. You really don't see many umpire cards. Much less ones as nice as that!

  16. You’re right, I already did forget McCutchen was a Yankee. And that Diamond Card is something.

  17. I do not have a card blog but do plenty of card stuff on Twitter (Raiderjoe_FO). One time I offered free cards. Regular followers entered the contest. The winner was a guy who turned out to never correspond with me again. So, no more of that.

    I do give away cards as part of another guy's weekly free card thread and have gotten free cards from people too through that thread. But an actual contest again? Nope.

  18. I left out a whole phrase there. "Regular followers and sudden, new followers...'

  19. Nick, you are always so generous. I know this as fact. I still can't believe I own a gorgeous copy of Great American Baseball Card! And please know, you are a welcome picker! I created parameters for picking which I've modified a bit with each round of new cards. It prevents the prize hounds from more than one pick. I've learned I don't need everyone to like me so have no issues telling someone 'no more cards for you', nicely of course.
