Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 30: Numbers 262-270

Frankenset Page #2 WINNER -- 2007 Upper Deck #16 Alvin Colvina (11 votes)

Last week's winner was a good example of a card I personally wouldn't have voted for, but one I kinda figured was gonna win.

While I'm more partial to Tzu-Wei Lin's Fenway panorama or Mariano Duncan's curious double dip, Alvin Colina took last week's page with a little help from the troops, collecting 11 of the 38 total votes for the win (Duncan was a close second with eight). Not bad for a dude who appeared in exactly two major league games, I'd say.

Now he's in the Gallery of Frankenset Champions for all of eternity.

We've only got a handful of pages left to cover in the frankenset: the Random Number Generator spit out #30 tonight, so we'll be taking a look at that page (#s 262-270) on the blog this week.

Let's meet the nominees.

1973 Topps #262 Jack Aker

The ivy in full bloom. 

2013 Topps Update #US263 Austin Romine

"Get back behind the plate, kid." -- Mariano Rivera, probably. 

 1994 Collector's Choice #264 Bill Spiers

The elusive fauxback/double dip combo!

2003 Topps #265 Grady Little

I collect kids on cards, but I'm thinking this could be a lone example of a grandkid on a baseball card. 

1997 Topps #266 Eric Owens

The Wicked Witch appeared a couple frames later. 

1993 Upper Deck #267 Wes Chamberlain

Points to the photographer who risked getting impaled by a bat shard to snap this excellent shot.

1978 Topps #268 Gil Flores

You could really get lost for hours in this photo. 

2012 Topps #269 Jason Vargas

One of my personal favorite throwback jerseys. 

1994 Collector's Choice #270 Doug Strange

Who says bunts are boring?

That's it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Exceptional captioning this week, Nick! I especially liked the Eric Owens one about the wicked witch.

    Also, this is the terrible, terrible news: "We've only got a handful of pages left to cover in the frankenset." I truly look forward to reading these posts and voting each week.

  2. Tough one this week!...really digging the Wes!

  3. Agree with P-town Tom. Time to start a third Frankenset?

  4. The Mariano Duncan got my vote last week because it is in my own personal frankenset, but the Colina is a worthy victor. This week it is a tough call for me between Owens and Chamerlain.
