Thursday, August 9, 2018

The (Second) Dime Box Frankenset, Page 24: Numbers 208-216

Frankenset Page #44 WINNER -- 2001 UD Victory #396 Wilton Guerrero (12 votes)

All nine of last week's frankenset hopefuls received at least one vote, but Wilton Guerrero cruised to an easy win by collecting 12 out of the 30 total tallies.

More often than not, the readers' choice usually aligns with my own personal preference, and this time was no exception -- it's always an unexpected treat when a Stadium Club-esque card winds up in a more low-rent set.

The random number generator spit out #24 this week, so we'll be taking a look at Numbers 208-216 in the frankenset this week.

Let's meet the nominees.

1994 Fleer #208 Kent Hrbek

Is your refrigerator running?

 2018 Stadium Club #209 Dillon Peters

I personally think Marlins Park is a bit of an eyesore, but even I'll admit this is one beautiful baseball card.

2000 UD Victory #210 Sterling Hitchcock

Sterling Hitchcock, .090 career hitter.

2017 Topps Archives #211 Starling Marte

Boy did Topps do a nice job with the '92s in last year's Archives. 

2013 Topps Archives #212 Otis Nixon

Two in a row from Archives honoring the '92 design (this one a high-number SP from the brand's earlier days), featuring an excellent helmet toss.

1970 Topps #213 Andy Etchebarren

Beauty by the bat rack, vintage edition (with a bonus suit-and-tied dude in the background!).

1993 SP #214 Bip Roberts

Bip takes a dip. 

1992 Upper Deck Minors #215 Andres Duncan

Sometimes minor-league sets produce the wackiest cards.

2015 Topps Update #US216 Carlos Peguero

Quite a card for a guy who played exactly four games with the Red Sox.

That does it for this week's page. The polls are now on the sidebar.

Happy voting!


  1. Im going Hrbek for your caption alone!

  2. That's a great shot of Olympic Stadium in the Guerrero card.

  3. I abstained from voting last time, I wanted about three of the cards to win - Guerrero was one of them, so I'm happy.

  4. As much as I wanted to vote for the Red Sox player, that Duncan card is just too fantastic!

  5. Is Andres Duncan coloring his shoes? Wacky is right!

  6. Came down to Peters and Peguero this time. Voted for Peters, since Topps cropped off Peguero's foot.
