Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mega post

Normally, I try and take my trade posts one at a time.

I've read my share of "mega-posts" with a bunch of trades crammed into one post. Although I try my best not to get too far behind in my writing, the time has finally come.

It's time for a "mega trade post" on this blog. (At least a "semi-mega" one, anyways.)

Between a slight increase in homework this semester and a barrage of Update-esque trades awaiting me in the coming weeks, I didn't see a time in the near future where I'd be able to fit these different trades onto the blog.

They've been sitting in my scan folder for a while now.

Here we go.

I don't need to tell you how generous the people of the blogosphere are. Chances are you've experienced it for yourself at some point.

Yet I still find myself amazed at all of the great packages fellow bloggers and readers I've sent my way. Now that I've been a part of the blogosphere for almost ten months, I'm convinced that the generosity will always find a way to surprise me.

As was the case with a nice mailer I received from "Baseball Dad", author of the terrific blog "All Tribe Baseball".

Now that I think of it, I don't think I'd ever seen an Indian-centered collection before I joined the blogosphere. Plenty of Yankees collectors, but no Tribe.

It's been refreshing to see that there are people out there who still collect less-publicized teams like the Indians and Rockies. It's easy to get sick of seeing so many Red Sox and Yankees cards at a time.

Anyways, "Baseball Dad" was nice enough to send me a little congratulatory package for my 500th post.

One of the cards he sent was a much-appreciated Heritage short print of a heavily tattooed Mike Napoli.

Since I come from an Italian background, I pronounce his last name as "nah-po-lee", rather than the Americanized "nap-oh-lee".

I can't help but do one of those Italian-like hand gestures every time I say his last name.

People seem to have a lot of extra Vlads and Ichiros lying around their houses.

They've popped up in almost every trade package I've received during my time as a blogger. This one was no exception, as "Baseball Dad" sent a few Absolute Memorabilia parallels of the two main "culprits" my way.

Between the lack of a background image, the blank space, and the claustrophobic design, I shouldn't like Absolute Memorabilia.

Yet, for some reason, I find myself drawn to it. Back when I consistently dug through that little $1.49 per-pack box they have at Target, I'd always be on the hunt for these.

I gave up trying to explain some things in this hobby a long time ago.

As is the case with most of his other outgoing packages, "Baseball Dad" included a pack of 2003 Donruss Estrellas with all the other great cardboard he sent me.

I've never kept track of how many different sets I've opened packs of over the years, but I can now add Estrellas to what is likely a fairly large list.

Although they're not one of the better-known sets of the past decade, I actually like the looks of these.

I was lucky enough to pull a couple "keepers" with these two, the "K-Rod" being a key insert add to my collection of his.

I've always loved the idea of a poster in a pack of baseball cards.

Before today, I'd never known that Estrellas incorporated these into their product.

It's definitely a neat piece, but I'm not a big Nomar collector. Thankfully, I think I know a fellow blogger who might enjoy this one.

End of "mega-post", part one.


Part two begins.

Enter mailer from William, a presumably ecstatic O's fan and author of one of my favorite blogs, "Foul Bunt".

Of all the great people I've dealt with during my time as a blogger, William has definitely been the most generous. I've lost count of the number of "surprise" packages he's sent to me.

He's always kept an eye out for "fun" cards that I'd enjoy. Needless to say, he's done a great job of it.

"Fun" is just one of the many words I'd use to describe this awesome Yount card.

I hear disco in my head every time I look at it.

As usual, William also managed to find a few neat pieces for my player collections as well.

Remember what I said earlier about Vlad cards?

Here's more proof.

In recent years, some high-end sets have been plain ugly.

And not just ugly for high-end. Ugly for anything.

Upper Deck Epic is not one of those sets. Epic is what high-end should look like. The few I've found in dime and quarter boxes are astounding.

This serially-numbered Vlad from William is a fine example of that very fact, one of the better additions to my collection of his.

End of part two.

Go and grab some chips and soda if you'd like.

Commence part three.

The final act.

Featured here is a totally unexpected package courtesy of Adam, author of "ARPSmith's Sportscard Obsession", one of the better newer blogs out there.

Adam was the lucky winner of my most recent contest. I guess he decided to "return the favor" with these.

He managed to knock out a good chunk of my recent set needs, including a few of this year's awesome "Opening Day Stars" inserts.

Judging from how much he's dominated during his time in Texas, it's hard to imagine Josh Hamilton in anything other than the Ranger blue and white. I really hope the Rangers could find some way to keep him.

I guess we'll just have to see what free agency has in store for us this offseason.

Adam took care of a few of my Heritage insert needs as well.

The JFK marks a major collecting milestone in my non-sports collection, as I have now completed the Heritage "News Flashbacks" insert set for the fourth year in a row.

Although I don't do much base or insert set building, I still get a big rush out of receiving that last and final piece to the few sets I have completed over the years.

It's the one that makes it all worthwhile.

However, the bulk of the cards Adam sent me involved my player collections.

Well, one of them, anyways.

Adam more than doubled the size of my brand-spankin'-new collection of "Mr. Perfect", Matt Cain.

Before last week, my Cain collection stood at a respectable 22 different issues.

Thanks to the 24 new additions that Adam sent my way, it now consists of 46 different pieces, all of which lie happily near the front of my Giants binder.

Not bad for a collection I started about three months ago.

Not bad at all.

Well, that's it. "Mega post" over.

In the meantime, much thanks goes out to "Baseball Dad", William, and Adam. I'll definitely be scoping out the dime boxes for Indians, O's, and Giants cards for you guys in the future.

Your generosity is much appreciated!

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