Thursday, June 7, 2012

Please Mr. Postman (A trade post) -- The best things in life are free

As I've mentioned on numerous occasions, the generosity of the blogosphere has simply blown me away.

I didn't think I was expecting anything when I went to check the mail last afternoon, but I was surprised to see a familiar sight inside.

A bubble mailer.

"What could it be?", I thought to myself. And then I saw the name on the return address.

"The Diamond King" had struck again.

He'd already sent me an extremely generous stack of Rod Carew cards I had claimed on his blog. I remember him commenting on one of my posts saying he had pulled some reprints (that I so much enjoy) for me, but I didn't know when they'd be coming in the mail.

I opened the mailer to find a healthy stack of reprints inside. It was an absolute blast to go through.

While the "Yaz" Fan Favorites card at the top of the post technically isn't a reprint, it was probably my favorite card in the package. I love that he's listed as a second baseman, staying true to his actual 1960 rookie card.

I bought a ton of 2005 Fan Favorites when I re-entered the baseball card universe that year. However, my collection is extremely lacking of 2003 and '04 cards from the set. (The "Yaz" is from '04.)

Fan Favorites base cards have always been among my favorite cards to snag from dime boxes over the years.

It's definitely one of the best sets of the previous decade.

While Topps has killed the thrill of pulling a Jackie Robinson card in recent years, I still can't say no to adding a couple new ones to my collection.

Besides, these are probably his two nicest cards, I'd say.

The card on the right comes from the 1995 Topps Archives Dodgers reprint set, one that I wish I could find in more dime boxes.

Whenever a game of Monopoly is played, there's one line that's guaranteed to be said at some point.

"Wouldn't it be great if all this money was real?"

I find myself thinking the same thing anytime I add a new reprint to my collection. If all of the ones I had were real, then I'd probably have one of the better collections out there.

A couple '54 Hank Aaron rookies, a couple '51 Bowman Mantles, and now a beautiful '54 Willie Mays. (And not to mention four T206 Honus Wagners.)

One can only dream.

Last year's "The Lost Cards" insert set was a creative effort on Topps' part.

It's odd that guys like Mantle or Stan Musial didn't have cards in a few 1950's sets, when they were at the peaks of their respective careers. (The omissions were due to litigation rights with Bowman.)

Although I don't think any '54 cards had a dark red background, it's still interesting to see "The Mick" on a design that he was never featured on.

I'll take it over another '52 reprint of Mantle any day.

Overall, 2003 Upper Deck Play Ball was pretty much an average set.

Not one of the better "throwback" sets ever released, but certainly not one of the worst.

My old card shop used to have packs of them for a buck a piece. Although I wasn't huge on the set, I gobbled them up in hopes of pulling a couple of these reprints.

Can you see why?

These particular reprints are among my absolute favorites. There's nothing flashy about them, but in a way, that's what makes these great.

Not to mention that this is a reprint of DiMaggio's 1941 Play Ball issue, which just so happens to be the year he put together that 56-game hitting streak.

I guess "Joltin' Joe" has left and gone away. That is, until he wound up in my mailbox yesterday as a result of some great free cards from "The Diamond King".

I've got to find some cards to send his way. He's already sent me some spectacular ones, and hasn't asked for anything in return. Until then, I still maintain that the best type of cards are free cards.

Don't you agree?

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