Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Five years

Five years ago today, I acted on a crazy impulse to start a baseball card blog.

In other words, this blog has been around for half a decade. That's almost inconceivable to me. I started this blog when I was still a teenager, and here I am now just having received a college degree. I like to think I've matured in the years since then, but who can say for sure?

At times, I'll stop and think Gosh, it feels like just yesterday I started this thing while other times I'll mull it over and say Man, I HAVE been blogging for a long time, haven't I? As is the paradox of time.

It's safe to say that year five has been the most teeter-totter one of them all. I said goodbye, returned when I realized just how much I needed blogging in my life, and have stuck around since then, albeit infrequently. Granted, I don't post much anymore. Three times a week tops, ten posts a month if I'm lucky. I'll admit, this dip in posting has made me feel like an outsider at times, someone in the back of the blogging group photo.

Still, I guess what I've learned this year is that staying a part of this wonderful community isn't wholly dependent on how much you post around here. I still make it a point to read/comment on other blogs and ship PWEs out to my blogging buddies as often as possible, and I get a great amount of joy out of that. (And I do offer a heartfelt apology to the delay in trade posts for anyone who's sent me cards over the past handful of months. I'm working on it.)

I tend to get a bit introspective on these blogging anniversaries. But in the end, the only word I can really come up with to describe what I feel is: thanks. Whoever you are, wherever you live, however you read my blog, thanks.

I wouldn't have made it anywhere near these five years without you.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Happy to read your posts.

  2. A very happy blogoversary to you! Remember - it's all about quality, not quanitity. Your posts are always of the highest quality.

  3. Congrats on five years Nick! Your posts are always great to read, no matter how frequent or infrequent they may be. Here's to another five years.

  4. Congrats Nick, keep up the great work!

  5. Glad to be reading you from the start...and so glad you're still at it!

  6. Congratulations on reaching the half-a-decade mark! And, I couldn't agree more with Tony's sentiments.

  7. Congrats and hope to see more of your dime box adventures as 5 years turns into 10

  8. Happy anniversary! I just hit two years myself. I hope I can keep it going as long! Always enjoy your posts and hope you keep going for many to come!

  9. Congrats on five years. You don't look a day over four!

  10. Has it really been five years? That is awesome. Happy anniversary! Here's to another five years of awesomely written posts and super cool dime box finds.

  11. Congrats on 5 years Nick! Here's to another five and beyond!

  12. Happy Blogoversary!

    And don't feel bad about posting less. I've been extra motivated lately and still only got about five posts in a month! I'm the outsider for sure.

    I started in my mid-40's. Dang kids.... :)

  13. Congrats,always enjoy reading your posts.

  14. Congrats on five years! I just recently came back to collecting and am glad to see so many fellow bloggers still going strong.

  15. Congrats on your Blogaversary. And HEY DOWN IN FRONT! Hehe.

  16. thank you for blogging. im so happy to return here to find you've been posting! when you 'retired' i understood but found it a little sad. happy anniversary Nick!

  17. You're on my reading list, congrats, keep it up.

    From a % of blogging years to living years you may have everyone else beat, so hopefully you continue that streak. I'm getting back into reading the blogs. If people would just tone down the number of posts it'd make it easier :-)
